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familia Anarhichadidae是什么意思 familia Anarhichadidae的读音、翻译、用法

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2023-04-13 10:51:21
  • 89

familia Anarhichadidae是什么意思 familia Anarhichadidae的读音、翻译、用法

'familia Anarhichadidae'是拉丁语,翻译为“圆齿鲈科”。它是一种深海鱼类,通常生活在寒冷的海域,如北极和北大西洋。


1. The Anarhichadidae family includes the wolffish and the spotted wolffish.(圆齿鲈科包括狼鱼和豹纹狼鱼。)

2. The Anarhichadidae family is often referred to as the “wolffish family”.(圆齿鲈科常被称为“狼鱼科”。)

3. The Anarhichadidae family is found in cold waters around the world.(圆齿鲈科分布在世界各地的冷水域。)

4. The Anarhichadidae family has sharp teeth and powerful jaws.(圆齿鲈科有锋利的牙齿和强大的下颌。)

5. The Anarhichadidae family is a valuable commercial fishery.(圆齿鲈科是一种有价值的商业渔业。)

6. The Anarhichadidae family can grow up to several feet in length.(圆齿鲈科可以长到几英尺长。)

7. The Anarhichadidae family is often used for fish and chips in the UK.(圆齿鲈科在英国常用于炸鱼和薯条。)

8. The Anarhichadidae family is known for its unique flavor and texture.(圆齿鲈科以其独特的风味和口感而闻名。)

9. The Anarhichadidae family is a popular game fish among anglers.(圆齿鲈科是钓鱼者喜欢的一种常见游戏鱼类。)


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