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Helminthosporium tritici-repentis是什么意思 Helminthosporium tritici-

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2023-08-24 15:45:59
  • 41

Helminthosporium tritici-repentis是什么意思 Helminthosporium tritici-

'Helminthosporium tritici-repentis'是英语中的词语,中文翻译为“小麦镰孢菌”。它是一种常见的植物病原菌,会感染小麦和大麦等谷物作物,导致耐候性和产量下降。


1. The presence of 'Helminthosporium tritici-repentis' in the wheat fields caused a significant decrease in yield.(小麦田里发现了小麦镰孢菌,导致产量显著下降。)

2. Farmers are advised to plant resistant wheat varieties to reduce the risk of 'Helminthosporium tritici-repentis' infections.(建议农民种植抗病的小麦品种,以减少小麦镰孢菌感染的风险。)

3. 'Helminthosporium tritici-repentis' can survive for many years in soil, crop rotation an important control measure.(小麦镰孢菌可以在土壤中存活多年,因此轮作是重要的防治措施。)

4. The use of fungicides is often necessary to control 'Helminthosporium tritici-repentis' infections.(通常需要使用杀菌剂来控制小麦镰孢菌感染。)

5. The genome of 'Helminthosporium tritici-repentis' has been sequenced to help develop new control methods.(小麦镰孢菌的基因组已被测序,有助于开发新的防治方法。)

6. The pathogenicity of 'Helminthosporium tritici-repentis' varies depending on the strain and environmental conditions.(小麦镰孢菌的致病性因菌株和环境条件而异。)

7. 'Helminthosporium tritici-repentis' can cause significant losses in wheat production in humid and warm conditions.(在潮湿和温暖的条件下,小麦镰孢菌会导致小麦生产显著减少。)

8. The susceptibility of wheat to 'Helminthosporium tritici-repentis' infections can be influenced by the host genotype.(小麦对小麦镰孢菌感染的易感性可能会受到寄主基因型的影响。)

9. Control of 'Helminthosporium tritici-repentis' is essential for sustainable wheat production.(控制小麦镰孢菌对于可持续的小麦生产至关重要。)


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