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rampar是什么意思 rampar的读音、翻译、用法

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2023-06-20 05:38:54
  • 49

rampar是什么意思 rampar的读音、翻译、用法



1. Rampart(英语):意为“城墙,垒垛”,是一个名词;

2. Rampar(印度):可能是某个地名或姓氏,在英语中也被拼写为“Rampur”。


1. The soldiers stood guard on the ramparts of the castle.(士兵们在城堡的城墙上站岗。)

2. Rampart of the fortress was built by the ancient Romans.(堡垒的城墙是由古罗马人建造的。)

3. A new rampart was constructed around the city to protect it against attacks.(新的防御墙建造在城市周围,以保护它免受攻击。)

4. Rampur is a small town located in the northern state of Uttar Pradesh, India.(Rampur是位于印度北部邦——北方邦的一个小镇。)

5. Rampur is famous for its silk industry.(Rampur以其丝绸工业而闻名。)

6. The soldiers defended their city from the ramparts.(士兵们在城墙上保卫他们的城市。)

7. The enemy troops tried to break through the ramparts, but failed.(敌军尝试突破城墙,但失败了。)

8. The ramparts are the last line of defense for the castle.(城墙是城堡的最后防线。)

9. The soldiers patrolled the ramparts all night to ensure the safety of the castle.(士兵们整夜在城墙上巡逻,以确保城堡的安全。)


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