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Diatraea是什么意思 Diatraea的读音、翻译、用法

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2023-04-21 08:44:39
  • 48

Diatraea是什么意思 Diatraea的读音、翻译、用法



1. Diatraea saccharalis is a major pest of sugarcane in South America.(Diatraea saccharalis是南美洲甘蔗的一种重要害虫。)

2. The larvae of Diatraea lineolata bore into the stems of rice plants.(Diatraea lineolata的幼虫在稻草的茎秆内钻孔。)

3. Diatraea spp. are difficult to control using traditional insecticides.(传统杀虫剂难以控制Diatraea属的昆虫。)

4. The damage caused by Diatraea indigenella to corn crops can reduce yields by up to 50%.(Diatraea indigenella对玉米的危害可以使产量降低50%。)

5. Scientists are studying the genetics of Diatraea nitidalis to understand its resistance to certain insecticides.(科学家正在研究Diatraea nitidalis的基因,以了解其对某些杀虫剂的抗性。)

6. Diatraea busckella has a wide range of host plants, including cotton and soybean.(Diatraea busckella的寄主植物范围很广,包括棉花和大豆。)

7. The use of pheromone traps can help to monitor and control infestations of Diatraea grandiosella in maize fields.(使用信息素诱捕器可以帮助监测和控制玉米田中Diatraea grandiosella的侵染。)

8. Diatraea magnifactella is a relatively new pest in the United States, having only been identified in 2013.(Diatraea magnifactella是美国相对较新的害虫,仅在2013年被确认。)

9. The development of genetically modified corn plants has been proposed as a potential solution to control Diatraea in crops.(发展转基因玉米植物被提议作为解决玉米田中Diatraea害虫的潜在方法。)


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