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quorum是什么意思 quorum的读音、翻译、用法

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2023-06-23 13:01:38
  • 80

quorum是什么意思 quorum的读音、翻译、用法




1. The meeting cannot begin until a quorum of members is present.(会议必须等到有足够的成员到场才能开始。)

2. Without a quorum, the board cannot make any decisions.(没有足够人数,董事会无法做出任何决定。)

3. The bylaws require a quorum of at least 50% of the members.(章程规定,至少需要50%的成员到场才能达到法定人数。)

4. The election results were declared invalid due to a lack of quorum.(由于缺少法定人数,选举结果被宣布无效。)

5. The quorum for this committee is 7 members.(这个委员会的法定人数是7人。)

6. The meeting was adjourned due to the inability to reach a quorum.(由于达不到法定人数,会议被休会。)

7. A quorum of shareholders approved the merger proposal.(股东法定人数同意了合并提案。)

8. The quorum call revealed that several members were absent.(法定人数宣布后,发现几个成员没有出席。)

9. The committee chair reminded everyone that a quorum was necessary for the vote to count.(委员会提醒大家,需要达到法定人数才能算有效投票。)


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