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Dicraeosauridae是什么意思 Dicraeosauridae的读音、翻译、用法

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2023-07-02 11:52:32
  • 37

Dicraeosauridae是什么意思 Dicraeosauridae的读音、翻译、用法


1. Dicraeosauridae is one of the smaller sauropod groups. (双峰龙科是较小的蜥脚类恐龙之一。)

2. Dicraeosauridae were herbivores that lived during the Late Jurassic to Early Cretaceous periods. (双峰龙科是草食性恐龙,生活在晚侏罗世到早白垩世时期。)

3. Among the genera of Dicraeosauridae, Dicraeosaurus is perhaps the most well-known. (在双峰龙科属中,双峰龙属可能是最为著名的。)

4. The distinguishing feature of Dicraeosauridae is the presence of double-crested vertebrae. (双峰龙科的鉴别特征是存在双峰状的椎骨。)

5. Dicraeosauridae was believed to have a relatively short lifespan, lasting only around 20 years. (据信双峰龙科的寿命相对较短,只有大约20年。)

6. Dicraeosauridae is closely related to other early sauropods, such as Jobaria and Spinophorosaurus. (双峰龙科与其他早期蜥脚类恐龙,如锄龙和棘龙龙,有密切关系。)

7. One of the distinguishing characteristics of Dicraeosauridae is their elongated necks. (双峰龙科的一个特点是它们的颈部非常长。)

8. The fossils of Dicraeosauridae have been found in Africa and South America. (双峰龙科的化石已在非洲和南美洲发现。)

9. Dicraeosauridae likely lived in herds, as evidenced by the discovery of multiple individuals in close proximity to one another. (双峰龙科可能是成群生活的,这一点得到了发现多个个体互相靠近的证据支持。)


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