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strip是什么意思 strip的读音、翻译、用法

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2023-10-18 12:48:41
  • 139

strip是什么意思 strip的读音、翻译、用法



1. She stripped off her wet coat and hung it up. (她脱掉湿漉漉的外套,挂了起来。)

2. He accidentally stripped the screw while working on the car. (他在修车时不小心把螺钉剥去了。)

3. The artist stripped the painting down to its bare essentials. (画家将绘画剥离到最基本的部分。)

4. The thief stripped the house of all its valuables. (小偷把房子里所有值钱的东西都抢走了。)

5. The athlete stripped down to his shorts before the race. (这位运动员在比赛前脱下了衣服,只穿着短裤。)

6. The storm stripped the trees of their leaves. (暴风雨把树叶都给吹光了。)

7. The journalist stripped away the politician's façade and exposed his true character. (记者揭开了家的面具,揭示了他真实的性格。)

8. The school district stripped the teacher of her teaching license due to misconduct. (教师因不当行为被学区取消了教学资格。)

9. The company stripped the product down to its essential features in order to appeal to consumers. (公司剥离产品的一切非基本元素,以吸引消费者。)


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