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horizontal是什么意思 horizontal的读音、翻译、用法

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2023-07-07 07:42:45
  • 60

horizontal是什么意思 horizontal的读音、翻译、用法



- 横向的

- 平行的

- 水平的


1. The table is horizontal, and the legs are perfectly balanced on the ground.(这张桌子是水平的,四个腿稳稳地放在地面上。)

2. The engineer drew a horizontal line to represent the horizon.(工程师画了一条横线代表地平线。)

3. The artist painted the landscape with a horizontal brushstroke to convey a sense of vastness.(艺术家用横向的刷笔画出风景,以表现出广阔感。)

4. The video player has a feature that allows you to rotate the screen from horizontal to vertical.(这个视频播放器有一个功能,可以让你将屏幕从水平旋转到垂直。)

5. The graphic designer used a horizontal grid to create a sense of structure and order in the design.(平面设计师使用了横向的格子来创造设计中的结构感和秩序感。)

6. The skier kept a low, horizontal position to gain speed.(滑雪者保持低姿势,横向前进以获得速度。)

7. The bridge spans the river with a long, horizontal arch.(这座桥用一座长长的、横向的拱形跨过了这条河流。)

8. The landscape had a horizontal quality that made it seem as if the sky was stretching on forever.(这个景观有一种横向的质感,让人感觉天空一直延伸。)

9. The architect designed the building to have several horizontal layers, each with a different purpose.(建筑师设计这座建筑物有几层横向的楼层,每层都有不同的用途。)


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