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acetoacetatos是什么意思 acetoacetatos的读音、翻译、用法

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2023-04-13 10:46:49
  • 23

acetoacetatos是什么意思 acetoacetatos的读音、翻译、用法





1. The production of acetoacetatos in the liver is an important step in the process of ketosis. (肝脏中的acetoacetatos产生是ketosis过程中的一个重骤。)

2. Acetoacetatos metabolism can be affected by various factors, including diet, exercise and medication. (acetoacetatos代谢可能会受到各种因素的影响,包括饮食、运动和药物。)

3. Elevated levels of acetoacetatos in the blood can indicate a state of ketosis. (血液中acetoacetatos水平升高可能表明一种ketosis状态。)

4. The formation of acetoacetatos in the liver requires the breakdown of fatty acids. (肝脏中acetoacetatos的形成需要脂肪酸的分解。)

5. A diet high in fat can increase the level of acetoacetatos in the body. (高脂肪饮食可能会增加身体中acetoacetatos的水平。)

6. Acetoacetatos can be converted into energy in the body through a process called ketolysis. (acetoacetatos可以通过一种称为酮解的过程在体内转化为能量。)

7. Certain medical conditions, such as type 1 diabetes, can lead to the production of acetoacetatos in the body. (某些医疗状况,如1型糖尿病,可能会导致体内acetoacetatos的产生。)

8. The metabolism of acetoacetatos can be disrupted in individuals with certain genetic disorders. (具有某些遗传性疾病的个体可能会出现acetoacetatos代谢受到干扰的情况。)

9. Studies have shown that the concentration of acetoacetatos in the urine can be used as an indicator of ketosis. (研究表明,尿液中的acetoacetatos浓度可以作为ketosis的一个指标。)


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