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Cephalorhynchus是什么意思 Cephalorhynchus的读音、翻译、用法

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2023-09-16 05:13:30
  • 77

Cephalorhynchus是什么意思 Cephalorhynchus的读音、翻译、用法



1. The Cephalorhynchus dolphin is also known as the Commerson's dolphin.(Cephalorhynchus海豚也称为Commerson海豚。)

2. The Cephalorhynchus dolphins have a distinctive black and white pattern on their bodies.(Cephalorhynchus海豚身上有明显的黑白相间的斑纹。)

3. The Cephalorhynchus dolphins usually swim in groups of up to 10 individuals.(Cephalorhynchus海豚通常以不超过10只为一组游泳。)

4. The Cephalorhynchus dolphins are often spotted in the coastal waters of South America.(Cephalorhynchus海豚经常在南美的沿海水域中被发现。)

5. The populations of Cephalorhynchus dolphins are threatened by fishing activities and pollution.(Cephalorhynchus海豚的种群受到活动和染的威胁。)

6. The Cephalorhynchus dolphins are considered to be one of the smallest dolphin species.(Cephalorhynchus海豚被认为是最小的海豚之一。)

7. The Cephalorhynchus dolphins are sometimes referred to as "pandas of the sea."(Cephalorhynchus海豚有时被称为“海洋熊猫”。)

8. The Cephalorhynchus dolphins are known for their playful behavior near boats.(Cephalorhynchus海豚以在船附近的嬉戏行为而闻名。)

9. The Cephalorhynchus dolphins are a popular attraction for tourists in New Zealand.(Cephalorhynchus海豚在新西兰是旅游者喜欢的景点之一。)


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