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DSP是什么意思 DSP的读音、翻译、用法

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2023-06-01 06:38:56
  • 77

DSP是什么意思 DSP的读音、翻译、用法

DSP是英语的缩写,全称为Digital Signal Processing(数字信号处理)。它是用数字方法对信号进行采样、量化、变换和滤波等一系列操作,实现信号处理和控制的技术。


1. DSP技术广泛应用于音频处理、图像处理、雷达信号处理等领域。(中文翻译:DSP technology is widely used in audio processing, image processing, radar signal processing and other fields.)

2. 这款音响采用了最先进的DSP处理器,可以实现高质量音效效果。(中文翻译:This speaker uses the most advanced DSP processor, which can achieve high-quality audio effects.)

3. DSP芯片的审核采用了流水线式操作,大大提升了工作效率。(中文翻译:The review of the DSP chip adopts pipeline operation, which greatly improves work efficiency.)

4. DSP技术可以实现对音频信号的降噪处理,提高音质。(中文翻译:DSP technology can achieve noise reduction processing of audio signals, and improve sound quality.)

5. 这款智能手机采用了独特的DSP算法,可以实现人脸识别和虚拟现实等功能。(中文翻译:This smartphone uses unique DSP algorithms, which can achieve functions such as face recognition and virtual reality.)

6. 无线电通信系统中常常采用数字信号处理技术,实现信号传输和解调。(中文翻译:Digital signal processing technology is often used in wireless communication systems to achieve signal transmission and demodulation.)

7. DSP技术的发展为音视频编解码、数字电视和网络通信等领域带来了新的变革。(中文翻译:The development of DSP technology has brought new changes to fields such as audio and video encoding and decoding, digital television, and network communication.)

8. 汽车音响系统的DSP处理器可以实现音效的个性化调节和均衡。(中文翻译:The DSP processor of the car audio system can achieve personalized adjustment and equalization of sound effects.)

9. DSP技术可以实现对生物医学图像的分割、识别和分析,为医学诊断提供帮助。(中文翻译:DSP technology can achieve segmentation, recognition and ysis of biomedical images, and provide assistance for medical diagnosis.)


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