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PBR是什么意思 PBR的读音、翻译、用法

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2023-07-06 15:37:46
  • 51

PBR是什么意思 PBR的读音、翻译、用法

"PBR"这个词语源于英语,它是Pabst Blue Ribbon啤酒的缩写。这种啤酒是一种常见的美国啤酒品牌,常被视为工人阶级和蓝领阶层文化的象征。"PBR"这个词语也常用于描述一些原本被边缘化的文化或趋势重新流行起来的现象。


1. I'm going to drink some PBR and listen to punk rock tonight. (我今晚要喝点PBR啤酒,听朋克摇滚音乐。)

2. He wore a PBR trucker hat and a flannel shirt, the quintessential hipster uniform. (他戴着一顶PBR卡车司机帽,穿着一件法兰绒衬衫,典型的嬉皮士服饰。)

3. We had a PBR-themed party, complete with cheap beer and red, white, and blue decorations. (我们办了一个以PBR啤酒为主题的派对,有便宜的啤酒和红白蓝的装饰。)

4. I can't believe how expensive this fancy craft beer is, I should have just stuck with PBR. (我不敢相信这种高档精酿啤酒怎么这么贵,我应该坚持喝PBR。)

5. The dive bar was filled with PBR cans and cigarette smoke. (这家小酒馆里到处都是PBR啤酒罐和香烟烟雾。)

6. His shirt was stained with PBR and hot sauce from the cheap tacos we had earlier. (他的衬衫上沾满了之前吃的便宜塔可饭里的PBR啤酒和辣酱。)

7. She ordered a PBR and a shot of whiskey, and the bartender knew exactly what she wanted. (她点了一杯PBR啤酒和一杯威士忌,酒保精确地知道她想要什么。)

8. The punk band played to a crowd of PBR-drinking enthusiasts. (朋克乐队演奏给一群喝PBR啤酒的狂热者听。)

9. The party was a blur of PBR, loud music, and questionable decisions. (派对上一片模糊的景象:PBR啤酒、大声的音乐和令人质疑的决定。)


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