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purposefully是什么意思 purposefully的翻译、读音、例句、中文解释

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2023-03-06 05:14:49
  • 76

purposefully是什么意思 purposefully的翻译、读音、例句、中文解释

purposefully的意思是"有目的的、自觉地",作为副词时有"有意"的意思,发音是[美 ],在英语中以副词出现较多,在《英语汉语大辞典》中,共找到22个与purposefully相关的释义和例句。



例句:Why did your father purposefully walk all the distance from where he'd been stabbed?




例句:i asked her to stop, and she purposefully disobeyed me.

翻译:我让她不要那么做 她就是不听我的。



例句:Another parent complained, "i feel as if they purposefully tortured me.

翻译:另一对父母则抱怨, “我觉得他们似乎在故意折磨我。



例句:We live in a world in which the most culturally innocuous symbols, like the falafel, can be misunderstood because of baggage, and where religion can be twisted and purposefully made where it's not supposed to be by others.

翻译:我们生活在一个像鹰嘴豆饼这样 最无辜的文化符号都会被误解的世界里, 在这里,被 被恶意地曲解。



purposefully一般作为副词、动词使用,如在travel purposefully([网络] 有目的地旅行)等常见短语中出现较多。

travel purposefully[网络] 有目的地旅行


1. Another parent complained, "i feel as if they purposefully tortured me.

翻译:另一对父母则抱怨, “我觉得他们似乎在故意折磨我。

2. We live in a world in which the most culturally innocuous symbols, like the falafel, can be misunderstood because of baggage, and where religion can be twisted and purposefully made where it's not supposed to be by others.

翻译:我们生活在一个像鹰嘴豆饼这样 最无辜的文化符号都会被误解的世界里, 在这里,被 被恶意地曲解。

3. He purposefully said it was fun because of the bike, not her.

翻译:他故意说自己玩得开心 是因为摩托车 而不是因为她。

4. i would swear this thing's purposefully tryin' to s me off.


5. ♪ To uncover what was purposefully lost ♪

翻译:* To uncover what was purposefully lost *。

6. if you did, that means you baked those cookies and set that plate right there deliberately, purposefully.

翻译:如果你早知道的话 那表示你是故意烤那些饼干... ...再放在那个盘里来让我摔碎。

7. Maybe he purposefully got run over.


8. The birds are flying purposefully along the river as if they have a destination in mind.

翻译:鸟儿故意地沿河飞行 好像他们脑海中有自己的目的地。

9. As though you purposefully tered rusted nails around for someone...


10. But bring me proof that this glove is the glove, that it has been purposefully kept from you or that it has some probative impact, and i will reconsider. - Thank you.

翻译:且被故意对你们隐瞒 或者是极具证明力的证据 我会重新考虑下。

11. We live in a world in which the most culturally innocuous symbols, like the falafel, can be misunderstood because of baggage, and where religion can be twisted and purposefully made where it's not supposed to be by others.

翻译:我们生活在一个像鹰嘴豆饼这样 最无辜的文化符号都会被误解的世界里, 在这里,被 被恶意地曲解。

12. - Berdyev, were you not warned that Germans purposefully leave behind poisoned schnapps?

翻译:-别尔杰夫 不是吓唬你 万一德国人留给我们 的是有毒的白兰地怎么办。

13. i know when you see them up there on a big chart with all those colors and arrows and unrestricted this and offs that, you... you think they've been designed purposefully... to confuse the heck out of you.

翻译:我知道 当你看到他们出现在图表上 还有那些彩色的和箭头标记 以及这些杂七杂八的批注。

14. They even fight back with pesticides that purposefully poison wasps, and inadvertently impact a wide-range of local wildlife.

翻译:他们甚至使用 专灭黄蜂的杀虫剂来回击, 不经意间影响到了当地 很多的野生动物。

15. i purposefully stink to keep my enemies from getting too close.

翻译:我有意掩鼻之臭 好让我的敌人不靠太近。


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