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disarmament是什么意思 disarmament的翻译、读音、例句、中文解释

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2023-02-01 04:04:37
  • 63

disarmament是什么意思 disarmament的翻译、读音、例句、中文解释




例句:Throughout Europe, daily demonstrations demand unilateral nuclear disarmament.

翻译:整个欧洲地区,每天都有人 要求片面核武限制。



例句:There is trade, there is disarmament, there is cross-border relations.

翻译:包括贸易,武装解除, 还有跨界关系。



例句:(Laughter) in terms of weapons, the best disarmament tool so far is nuclear energy.

翻译:笑声 就武器方面而言, 至今为止,核能是最好的裁军工具。



例句:in terms of weapons, the best disarmament tool so far is nuclear energy.

翻译:笑声 就武器方面而言, 至今为止,核能是最好的裁军工具。



disarmament一般作为名词使用,如在general disarmament([法] 普通裁军)、international disarmament([法] 国际裁军)、naval disarmament(海军裁军)等常见短语中出现较多。

general disarmament[法] 普通裁军
international disarmament[法] 国际裁军
naval disarmament海军裁军
nuclear disarmamentn. 裁减协定,核裁军


1. (Laughter) in terms of weapons, the best disarmament tool so far is nuclear energy.

翻译:笑声 就武器方面而言, 至今为止,核能是最好的裁军工具。

2. in terms of weapons, the best disarmament tool so far is nuclear energy.

翻译:笑声 就武器方面而言, 至今为止,核能是最好的裁军工具。

3. ...and the upcoming nuclear disarmament talks in Ukraine.

翻译:...随后我们要讨论的是 乌克兰的核危机。

4. When i was a diplomat negotiating the disarmament treaties with the Soviet Union in Geneva in the 1970s, we succeeded because we understood we shared a destiny with them.

翻译:当我七零年代驻日内瓦 做外交官时 我们成功与苏联达成裁军协议 因为我们明白 我们与他们在同一天空下。

5. Until wider measures of disarmament can be agreed upon, the threat of nuclear conflict continues to live.

翻译:才能缓解人们对美苏战争的担忧 在两国就核裁军达成更广泛的一致之前 核冲突的威胁依然存在。

6. There is trade, there is disarmament, there is cross-border relations.

翻译:包括贸易,武装解除, 还有跨界关系。

7. You talk peace and disarmament to the world, and here you are, wiping out a race of people.

翻译:你们向全世界宣称要和平、裁减军备 在这里却进行种族。

8. Despite this terrible warning the nuclear disarmament sparked by Cheryl is clearly coming into question today.

翻译:尽管有严重的警告 切尔诺贝利所启发的裁军行动 在今天却成为争论话题。

9. if you put your money where your mouth is, you should be joining one of these socialist wotsit groups or the nuclear disarmament whatever, but you don't.

翻译:如果你想在方面发展 你应该加入... 某个社会组织。

10. Within weeks, our national congress approved the disarmament bill that had been languishing for years.

翻译:几周内,国家议会通过了 那个折腾了好多年的缴械法案。

11. Europe will insist on disarmament, leaving every border undefended for you to walk across at will.

翻译:欧洲就会实施片面限武裁军 使别国国境毫无防御措施 让你的如入无人之境。

12. We basically work on different environment issues... from clean water to disarmament of chemical weapons.

翻译:膀セ и┮暗常㎝吏挂闽 眖γ琕 掉搭て厩?竟常暗。

13. Out exactly what the Ministry of War disarmament program it?

翻译:掉瓁 场絋ちよ盾。

14. As you can see, many of them are young women, and they're doing fiercely interesting stuff, like Mareena Robinson Snowden here, who is developing new ways, better ways, to detect nuclear warheads, which will help us overcome a critical hurdle to international disarmament.

翻译:他们中的很多人都是年轻女性, 她们取得了一些瞩目 并且有趣的成就, 像马奈娜·鲁滨孙·登, 在研究新的方式, 更好的方式,来侦查头, 能够帮助我们解决国际性 解除武装的难题。

15. He sought dialogue, and he spoke of a united front, disarmament, and even peacekeeping operations.

翻译:提到通过建立共同战线来解除武装 甚至于维持和平 真是令人惊叹。




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