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stupa是什么意思 stupa的翻译、读音、例句、中文解释

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2022-10-01 04:07:09
  • 195

stupa是什么意思 stupa的翻译、读音、例句、中文解释




例句:Sometimes they say the stupa itself was 300 feet, but i think maybe that's too big.

翻译:他们曾说这个舍利塔有300英尺高 不过我想那应该太高了。



例句:So Kanishka ordered a stupa to be built around the boy's mud stupa.

翻译:所以色迦王命人 在男孩的泥舍利塔周围建造一座舍利塔。



例句:When i was in Calcutta, they have a model... a big stone model of a stupa from here, from Peshawar.

翻译:我在加尔各答时候 他们有一个巨大白沙瓦舍利塔石头模型。


4.佛塔 、佛塔

例句:Swiss people, utilizing modern glacier growing technology, created their first stupa in 2016 in the Swiss Alps.

翻译:瑞士人利用现代的冰川培育技术, 于2016年在瑞士阿尔卑斯山脉 创造出了他们的第一座冰塔。



stupa一般作为名词使用,如在gemmula stupa(佛塔卷管螺)等常见短语中出现较多。

gemmula stupa佛塔卷管螺


1. When i was in Calcutta, they have a model... a big stone model of a stupa from here, from Peshawar.

翻译:我在加尔各答时候 他们有一个巨大白沙瓦舍利塔石头模型。

2. Swiss people, utilizing modern glacier growing technology, created their first stupa in 2016 in the Swiss Alps.

翻译:瑞士人利用现代的冰川培育技术, 于2016年在瑞士阿尔卑斯山脉 创造出了他们的第一座冰塔。

3. But however high his stupa rose, the small one always exceeded it, until eventually it rose 700 feet high.

翻译:但是无论他的舍利塔升到多高 那个小的总能超过它 直到最后它修到700英尺高。

4. This whole great mound here was the complex that Kanishka built with, not only the giant stupa, but a huge monastery with other buildings.

翻译:这里整个墓丘都是色迦王建造的 不止有巨大的舍利塔 还有宏伟的寺院和其他建。

5. They become his first disciples and he tries his ideas out on them... and on this spot now marked by the Great Stupa, he gives what becomes known as the first sermon.

翻译:有很多不同的含义 但对于历史学家和考古学家, 文明意味着住在城。

6. when the Chinese pilgrims came here 500 years later, they say that everybody agrees this was the most wonderful stupa in the whole of the inhabited world.

翻译:当中国朝圣者500年后来到这里 他们说所有人都承认 它是整个人类世界。

7. When winter temperatures dip, this water freezes as it arcs out of the pipe, ultimately forming a 50 meter ice sculpture called a stupa, shaped like an upside-down ice cream cone.

翻译:冬天气温下降时, 融水从管道中呈弧形喷出,水冻结起来, 最终形成一个五十米高的冰雕,名为冰塔, 形状类似于倒置的冰淇淋蛋卷筒。

8. The stupa is described by several Chinese Buddhist pilgrims of the late Roman period.

翻译:一些罗马时代晚期的 中国佛教朝圣者 描述过这个舍利塔。

9. Legend said that Kanishka buried a small portion of the Buddha's ashes under his great stupa.

翻译:传说中色迦王把佛的一部分骨灰 葬在了他的宏伟的舍利塔下。

10. And he was building a small mud stupa.


11. And on this spot, now marked by the great stupa, he gives what becomes known as the First Sermon.

翻译:这位钱德拉应该是旃陀罗笈多・维克拉姆二世 “钱德拉”柱子上写道, “他英俊的面容如同满月。




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