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pandemics是什么意思 pandemics的翻译、读音、例句、中文解释

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2023-04-13 07:47:11
  • 68

pandemics是什么意思 pandemics的翻译、读音、例句、中文解释




例句:And i'm afraid, looking forward, we are in the age of pandemics, we have to behave like that, we need to practice One Health, we need to understand that we're living in the same world as animals, the environment, and us, and we get rid of this fiction that we are some kind of special species.

翻译:而向前展望, 恐怕我们正身处 传染病大流行的时代, 我们必须这样做 —— 我们必须实施 “同一健康” (One Health)方针, 我们必须明白,无论是动物、 自然环境,还是人类, 我们都生活在同一个世界, 我们要摆脱 人类是某种特殊物种的幻想。



例句:it may be that the social singularity ahead is the one that we fear the most: a convergence of catastrophes, of environmental degradation, of weapons of mass destruction, of pandemics, of poverty.

翻译:也许我们面前的这一社会奇点是 我们最应当感到恐惧的 它伴随着系列的灾难 环境的恶化 大规模杀伤性武器以及传染病的扩散 还有贫困。



例句:Those are really hard questions to answer, and the reason is that the pandemics -- the ones that spread globally, the ones that we really want to antite -- they're actually really rare events.

翻译:这些是非常难以回答的问题, 而其中的原因是大流行—— 那些传播于全球的流行病, 那些我们非常想要去 的流行病—— 它们实际上是罕见事件。



例句:in 2007, as the world worried about a possible avian flu epidemic, Laurie Garrett, author of "The Coming Plague," gave this powerful talk to a small TED University audience. Her insights from past pandemics are suddenly more relevant than ever.

翻译:2007年当全世界都在担心禽流感暴发的时候,“瘟疫即将来袭”的作者Laurie Garret 对TED大学一部分观众进行了有力的演讲。她从过去疾病大流行中得到的深刻见解突然比任何时候都更加有意义。





1. Those are really hard questions to answer, and the reason is that the pandemics -- the ones that spread globally, the ones that we really want to antite -- they're actually really rare events.

翻译:这些是非常难以回答的问题, 而其中的原因是大流行—— 那些传播于全球的流行病, 那些我们非常想要去 的流行病—— 它们实际上是罕见事件。

2. in 2007, as the world worried about a possible avian flu epidemic, Laurie Garrett, author of "The Coming Plague," gave this powerful talk to a small TED University audience. Her insights from past pandemics are suddenly more relevant than ever.

翻译:2007年当全世界都在担心禽流感暴发的时候,“瘟疫即将来袭”的作者Laurie Garret 对TED大学一部分观众进行了有力的演讲。她从过去疾病大流行中得到的深刻见解突然比任何时候都更加有意义。

3. All sources of suffering -- famine, pandemics, incoming asteroids, and things like war and slavery, hurt people only until we have created the knowledge to prevent them.

翻译:所以受难的根源—— 饥荒,流行病,即将到来的小行星, 以及像战争和奴隶制度这样的事, 只会伤害他人,直到我们 创造了阻止他们的办法。

4. Well, i think one of the solutions we may have is to study some viruses that routinely jump from wild animals into people, or into our pets, or our livestock, even if they're not the same viruses that we think are going to cause pandemics.

翻译:我认为其中一个解决方案就是, 我们可能可以研究一些 常规性从野生动物 传播到人身上的病毒, 或到我们宠物、牲畜的病毒, 即使它们和我们认为 造成大流行的病毒不同。

5. So when it comes to fighting pandemics, the holy grail is just to get one step ahead.

翻译:所以当说到对抗疾病大流行, 我们离胜利也就一步之遥。



7. it's increasingly irrelevant to the kinds of decisions we face that have to do with global pandemics, a cross-border problem; with HiV, a transnational problem; with markets and immigration, something that goes beyond national borders; with terrorism, with war, all now cross-border problems.

翻译:我们面临的抉择越来越与国与国之间的界线无关。如我们所面临的的全球性流行病, 不是境内境外的问题; 如获得性免疫缺陷综合征(简称HIV),不是国家内部的问题; 如市场与移民, 不是国家领土界线内的问题; 再如、战争, 这些都是超越了国家与界线的问题。

8. And it's now not just the nuclear threat; in our interconnected world, network breakdowns can cascade globally; air travel can spread pandemics worldwide within days; and social media can spread panic and rumor literally at the speed of light.

翻译:现在我们所面临的 不仅仅是核威胁; 在我们这个相互联系的世界, 网络故障可以波及全球; 航空旅行可以将流行病 在几天内传播到全世界; 并且可以毫不夸张地说 社交媒体传播恐慌和谣言 如光速一般。

9. The collapse in biodiversity, climate change, pandemics, financial crises: these will be the currency that we will think about.

翻译:我们在维持生物多样化,对应气候变化 大规模疾病爆发,金融危机等问题上屡屡受挫 这些都是我们将来要考虑的课题。

10. Can we prevent pandemics?


11. Let's say it's 2026, to pick an arbitrary year, and a brilliant virologist, hoping to advance science and better understand pandemics, designs a new bug.

翻译:比如说在2026年,任意选择一年, 一个天才的病毒学家, 抱着推动科学进步的希望 也为了更好的理解流行病, 设计了一个新的臭虫。

12. Many are dying because of all those kind of pandemics, HiV, malaria, poverty, not going to school.

翻译:很多人死去是因为所有那些流行病 病,疟疾,贫困,无法上学。

13. So can we antite pandemics?


14. We've had world wars, pandemics, we've even had reality television.

翻译:我们有世界大战、流行病 甚至还有实境电视节目。

15. Of course there are other challenges -- health care, disease burdens and pandemics, environmental challenges and, of course, radicalized terrorism.

翻译:当然, 不是说就没有别的挑战了, 医疗保健,疾病,流行病,环境问题 都是我们正在面对的挑战 当然,还有激进的。




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