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earthbound是什么意思 earthbound的翻译、读音、例句、中文解释

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2023-03-09 01:05:25
  • 57

earthbound是什么意思 earthbound的翻译、读音、例句、中文解释




例句:The project is basically inviting people to take a step away from earthbound constraints and, as such, reimagine our future.

翻译:这个项目其实就是邀请人们 暂时摆脱地球上的约束 还有一点,比如,重新想象我们的未来。



例句:Eve, for someone who owns a New Age store, you are alarmingly earthbound.

翻译:伊芙,就开新世纪店的人来说 你还真是世俗。



例句:These earthbound avians live all over the world, from the Australian outback to the African savanna to Antarctic ss.

翻译:这种只在陆地上活动的鸟类 在全世界都存在, 从澳洲的腹地 到非洲的热带草原、再到南极海岸, 都能见到它们。



例句:"A devil who must swallow the living in pursuit of her earthbound desires, but a devil who must devour the dead in pursuit of her hell-borne . "

翻译:"魔鬼必须吞食生者 来追逐她世间平凡的渴望 但魔鬼必须吞噬死者 来追逐她地狱生来的欲念"。





1. These earthbound avians live all over the world, from the Australian outback to the African savanna to Antarctic ss.

翻译:这种只在陆地上活动的鸟类 在全世界都存在, 从澳洲的腹地 到非洲的热带草原、再到南极海岸, 都能见到它们。

2. "A devil who must swallow the living in pursuit of her earthbound desires, but a devil who must devour the dead in pursuit of her hell-borne . "

翻译:"魔鬼必须吞食生者 来追逐她世间平凡的渴望 但魔鬼必须吞噬死者 来追逐她地狱生来的欲念"。

3. You see, unlike our clunky earthbound forms of construction the technology on Krypton, Superman's home world was based on manipulating the growth of crystals.

翻译:你看,比起地球上使用的笨拙建筑方式 氪星,也就是超人的母星 利用水晶的生长来建造东西。

4. Unfortunately, as i'm earthbound for the foreseeable future i need to find a location that's more hospitable than the mean streets of Pasadena.

翻译:不幸的是 在可以预见的未来 我得实际点儿 找个比可恶的帕萨迪纳友好的地方。

5. That's right. He and the others spirits whose bodies were put in the lake, They're earthbound, which means they haven't been able to cross over into the light.

翻译:没错 That's right. 无法走进光里 which means they haven't been able to cross over into the light.。

6. Listen, kid, i may happen to know a particular cloud where all the earthbound angels, you know, come and go from.

翻译:听着孩子 我正巧知道有一朵特殊的云 所有派去人间的天使都会用它来往于天堂人间。

7. But in the meantime, you're what's known as an earthbound emanation... which is a rotting cloud of bioplasmic particles... dripping ectoplasm from every orifice.

翻译:不过现在你算是在地上游走的幽魂... 基本上就是一团像云雾的物体... 能够渗过各种空隙。

8. He forsook all earthbound vanities - home, family and love.

翻译:不止如此 他放弃了所有世间浮华 故乡,家庭,爱情,为什么。

9. She is a living presence in their spiritual, earthbound plane.

翻译:她是个活人 身在灵界。

10. it's a spirit that remains earthbound to enact revenge.


11. You mean, if you got a chance to come back, you'd want to be earthbound again?


12. Cello remains earthbound, but the other voices soar suspended.

翻译:大提琴还在地端 其他音部不再升高 - 瞬间。

13. "but i am earthbound, "so i can call on thee, gods.

翻译:为凡夫俗子 只能祈祷神明。

14. You wondered why these lake spirits stayed earthbound.

翻译:你不明白为何湖边的灵魂滞留于此 You wondered why these lake spirits stayed earthbound.。


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