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impediments是什么意思 impediments的翻译、读音、例句、中文解释

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2023-02-19 00:59:55
  • 84

impediments是什么意思 impediments的翻译、读音、例句、中文解释




例句:You never know what a person will do with impediments, and sometimes adversity has unseen benefits.

翻译:你永远不知道什么人会做 与障碍, 有时候逆境 有看不见的好处。



例句:Not impediments. But pathways.

翻译:不是阻碍 而是通路。



例句:You've got a plane that's thousands of feet up in the air, going at hundreds of miles an hour, and you're trying to drop an object, a bomb, towards some stationary target in the face of all kinds of winds and cloud cover and all kinds of other impediments.

翻译:飞机在几千英尺的高空 以每小时几百英里的速度飞行 然后要投下一个 命中一个静止物体 还得考虑风和云层 及其他各种参数。



例句:"Let me not to the marriage of true minds Admit impediments

翻译:真诚心智之合,请容我说 不允许承认阻碍之存在。



impediments一般作为名词使用,如在diriment impediments(【法律、教】(如近亲、已婚等)结婚障碍)、government impediments([网络] 干预)、speech impediments([网络] 言语障碍;言语能力有障碍)等常见短语中出现较多。

diriment impediments【法律、教】(如近亲、已婚等)结婚障碍
government impediments[网络] 干预
speech impediments[网络] 言语障碍;言语能力有障碍
structural impediments结构阻扰
impediments to marriage[法] 法定婚姻的障碍, 婚姻障碍


1. You've got a plane that's thousands of feet up in the air, going at hundreds of miles an hour, and you're trying to drop an object, a bomb, towards some stationary target in the face of all kinds of winds and cloud cover and all kinds of other impediments.

翻译:飞机在几千英尺的高空 以每小时几百英里的速度飞行 然后要投下一个 命中一个静止物体 还得考虑风和云层 及其他各种参数。

2. "Let me not to the marriage of true minds Admit impediments

翻译:真诚心智之合,请容我说 不允许承认阻碍之存在。

3. There will undoubtedly be some nasty impediments along the way.


4. So, when we're asked if there are any moral impediments to us fulfilling our duties, technically, we'll have to lie.

翻译:所以,被问到立场问题 有操守上的忌讳 我们尽职责 技术上, 我们得说谎。

5. But what i want to suggest to you is that both of those terms, which have been in play for a century or more, are actually now impediments to progress, that what we need conceptually to make progress here is to rethink these disorders as brain disorders.

翻译:但是今天我要告诉诸位 正是这两种说法, 主导医界长达一个多世纪, 正在阻碍精神疾病的研究进展, 若要从理念上突破精神疾病研究 则需要重新命名为大脑失常。

6. We're so clever we can overcome all of these seeming biological impediments.

翻译:我们是如此聪明,完全可以逾越 这些看似是生理上的障碍。

7. The impediments to the operation have disappeared.


8. You got one of those hearing impediments, son?


9. Pan-Africa gives you one billion people, granted across 55 countries with trade barriers and other impediments, but our ancestors traded across the continent before Europeans drew lines around us.

翻译:泛非洲有10亿人口, 横跨了55个国家, 还有各种贸易壁垒和其它障碍。不过,在欧洲列强 争夺非洲、划下国界前, 我们的祖先 在非洲到处进行贸易。

10. We're so clever we can overcome all of these seeming biological impediments.

翻译:我们是如此聪明,完全可以逾越 这些看似是生理上的障碍。

11. The pathway to power and leadership can be littered with impediments, but more often, with funny questions that may seemingly defy answers: How does one take on the unique challenges of a country like Sierra Leone?

翻译:通往权力和领导地位的道路 充满了阻碍, 但更常见的是 看似无法回答的问题: 如何应对像塞拉利昂一类国家 所面临的独特挑战。

12. it also has some practical impediments.


13. You've got a plane that's thousands of feet up in the air, going at hundreds of miles an hour, and you're trying to drop an object, a bomb, towards some stationary target in the face of all kinds of winds and cloud cover and all kinds of other impediments.

翻译:飞机在几千英尺的高空 以每小时几百英里的速度飞行 然后要投下一个 命中一个静止物体 还得考虑风和云层 及其他各种参数。




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