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speeded是什么意思 speeded的翻译、读音、例句、中文解释

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2023-01-31 00:40:41
  • 61

speeded是什么意思 speeded的翻译、读音、例句、中文解释




例句:When it's actions are speeded up, it becomes clear that the predator's fondness for the brittle stars is almost matched by the brittle stars ability to get out of the way.

翻译:在快速镜头下 可以清楚看到向日葵海星喜欢吃蛇尾海星, 这与蛇尾海星快速逃离现场也是相吻合的。



例句:The speeded-up footage shows how, over four hours, some of the sea pens gradually deflate and bury themselves in the sea bed.

翻译:- 你们好 - 嘿 这是南海探险的最后阶段。



speeded一般作为动词使用,如在speeded up(na. 加快(机器等的)速度;使加紧做\n[网络] 加速)等常见短语中出现较多。

speeded upna. 加快(机器等的)速度;使加紧做\n[网络] 加速


1. Most of the footage i'm showing you is speeded up, because all of this takes a lot of time.

翻译:我展示的大部分视频资料 都是加速播放的, 因为这些过程都耗时很长。

2. After that, we speeded up.

翻译:80以后, 火车就加速了。

3. So now we've speeded up the time scales once again.


4. introverts do not do as well, particularly if the tasks they're engaged in -- and they've had some coffee -- if those tasks are speeded, and if they're quantitative, introverts may give the appearance of not being particularly quantitative.

翻译:内向者就不会这么做, 尤其是当他们正在干的活儿—— 而且他们已经喝过咖啡了—— 如果这些活儿很急, 而且有量化标准, 内向者会表现得好像 这些活儿没有特别的量化标准。

5. When speeded up, these solid rivers of ice seem to flow just like liquid rivers.

翻译:当高速播放时 这条固体河流看来与液体河流相仿。

6. in time-lapse, a camera takes a series of pictures over an extended period of time, so when played back, the action appears speeded up.

翻译:缩时摄影是在一段时间内 拍摄连续的画面 因此放映时像是加速的动作。

7. i mean, is that speeded up?


8. The SS speeded up the rate of killing.


9. in an hour, a soldier, senses quickened, time speeded up, might kill and make love and face death again.

翻译:在一个小时里,一个感觉变快了的, 时间被加速了的士兵, 可能会 并 并再次面对死亡。

10. But then, after seven billion years... for some reason it speeded up again... and it's been speeding up ever since.

翻译:但后来 70亿年后... 由于某种原因 它又开始加速... 达到了前所未有的速度 并不停加速。

11. On the left. You speeded past without seeing us

翻译:我们在左边,你经过太快 没有看见我们而已。

12. Well, that speeded things up a bit.


13. She certainly speeded up my recovery

翻译:如果不是她 我不会好得那么快。




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