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resorted是什么意思 resorted的翻译、读音、例句、中文解释

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2023-02-21 06:28:24
  • 87

resorted是什么意思 resorted的翻译、读音、例句、中文解释




例句:the ostensible defense... at the moment it seems to be the prosecution... they have resorted to rank character assassination.

翻译:此刻反倒像是控方 他们采取了令人不齿的人格攻击的方式。



例句:He then resorted to taking his colleague hostage.

翻译:以公司同事为人质 被警队包围。



例句:So much potential and you've resorted to fantasizing about Conan "Ginger Junk" O'Brien.

翻译:你充满了潜力 却喜欢那个红发怪胎柯南欧布莱恩。



resorted一般作为名词使用,如在resorted to(na. 使用(武力)\n[网络] 诉诸于;求助于;采取措施)等常见短语中出现较多。

resorted tona. 使用(武力)\n[网络] 诉诸于;求助于;采取措施


1. So much potential and you've resorted to fantasizing about Conan "Ginger Junk" O'Brien.

翻译:你充满了潜力 却喜欢那个红发怪胎柯南欧布莱恩。

2. He resorted to his own flashy crowd-pleasing steps.


3. in Boston, i couldn't find much pollution to play with, so i resorted to using a candle.

翻译:在波士顿,我找不到 那么多染物来做实验, 所以我转而使用了一根蜡烛。

4. When the last of the survivors were finally picked up by two passing ships, less than half of the men were left alive, and some of them had resorted to their own form of cannibalism.

翻译:当最后的幸存者最终被过往船只救起时, 只有一小半的人还活着, 实际上他们中的一些人自己变成了食人族。

5. When the last of the survivors were finally picked up by two passing ships, less than half of the men were left alive, and some of them had resorted to their own form of cannibalism.

翻译:当最后的幸存者最终被过往船只救起时, 只有一小半的人还活着, 实际上他们中的一些人自己变成了食人族。

6. The Greeks fought it by chewing aromatic resins, while the Chinese resorted to egg shells.

翻译:古希腊人以咀嚼有芳香的树脂对抗它, 而中国人则依靠蛋壳。

7. Subsequently he resorted to alcoholism.


8. Not only have the Espheni resorted to espionage, as General Porter has pointed out, but they have been forced to deploy their superior terrain droids, usually reserved for more technologically advanced forces.

翻译:退步到使用间谍手段 而且它们 部署了高级地域机器人。

9. Mr. Auseppe, why would the Federal Reserve have resorted to this?

翻译:Auseppe先生,为什么会联邦 储备纷纷使出这个。

10. Freddie Lounds must consider you a bland interview subject if she's already resorted to fiction.

翻译:弗雷迪·劳兹定会觉得你是个无趣的采访对象 如果她打算写小说的话。

11. His father had a fiery temper, resorted to violence when he blew his top.

翻译:他老爸脾气很差的 一疯起来就整天骂人,然后又打人。

12. Still? i resorted to tears.

翻译:- 我用了眼泪攻势。

13. And now, you little , you've resorted to beating up women.


14. Resorted to using the pubic region of the gas is a Feijian


15. in 1943, since being Jewish was seen in a bad light, my mother resorted to the local cinema to both shelter me and provide my education.

翻译:在1943年 身为犹太人 就等于身处险境 所以我妈妈利用当地的电影院来保护我 同时还用电影对我进行教育。




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