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marketers是什么意思 marketers的翻译、读音、例句、中文解释

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2022-07-18 08:08:04
  • 106

marketers是什么意思 marketers的翻译、读音、例句、中文解释




例句:How much is your field talking to great marketers about their insights into human psychology?

翻译:你们的这一领域是如何看待杰出营销员 对人类心理学的洞察的。



例句:Again, marketers tell us that big data and social media are not just a paradise of profit for them, but a Garden of Eden for the rest of us.

翻译:一,营销人员告诉我们 大量数据和社交网络 并不仅仅是为他们谋福利的天堂, 同时也是我们所有人的伊甸园。



例句:So, really clever ideas there that are being taken ahold of and that marketers are starting to understand.

翻译:因此,真正聪明的想法 似乎开始被市场采用,而商人们也开始能理解。第二个价值观是。



marketers一般作为名词使用,如在Power marketers([网络] 电力市场)等常见短语中出现较多。

Power marketers[网络] 电力市场


1. So, really clever ideas there that are being taken ahold of and that marketers are starting to understand.

翻译:因此,真正聪明的想法 似乎开始被市场采用,而商人们也开始能理解。第二个价值观是。

2. i mean, it sometimes feels, listening to behavioral economists that they are kind of putting into place academically, what great marketers have sort of intuitively known for a long time.

翻译:我有时感觉 行为经济学 就是把某些杰出的营销员 长久以来就拥有的直觉 加以理论化。

3. But while this may be unsettling for marketers, it's actually a good thing.

翻译:但是对商人来说,他们有些不安, 但这的确是件好事情。

4. Now marketers like us to believe that all information about us will always be used in a manner which is in our favor.

翻译:现在营销人员希望我们相信 关于我们的所有信息 永远都会以我们喜欢的方式被使用。

5. Sixty-five percent of their open job opportunities are non-technical: marketers, designers, project managers, program managers, product managers, lawyers, HR specialists, trainers, coaches, sellers, buyers, on and on.

翻译:这些公司 65% 的工作岗位, 都是非技术类的: 市场营销、产品设计、 项目管理、方案管理、 产品管理,公司律师,人力资源、 培训师、教练、销售、买家等等。

6. What marketers used to do is make average products for average people.


7. Sendhil Mullainathan: Yeah, we spend a lot of time talking to marketers, and i think 60 percent of it is exactly what you say, there are insights to be gleaned there.

翻译:我们和营销员有很多交流 60%的人跟你说的那样 他们有很多观点值得我们什么深思。

8. But while this may be unsettling for marketers, it's actually a good thing.

翻译:但是对商人来说,他们有些不安, 但这的确是件好事情。

9. i know that word is so debased now by the use of it by internet marketers.

翻译:我知道现在这词已经被 网络营销者给滥用了。

10. it couldn't tell marketers what percentage of people buy a certain product or brand, but it could tell them more about the people who do, their reasoning for doing so, and even the unconscious motivations behind those reasons.

翻译:它不能够告诉市场营销人员 多少人会购买该产品或品牌, 但是能说明哪类人群会购买, 以及他们购买的理由, 甚至是购买理由背后的无意识动机。

11. When the headlines rolled, what happened was, the marketers came calling.

翻译:当这些新闻发布之后,(接下来)会发生的是 营销人员打电话过来。

12. in a funny, rapid-fire 4 minutes, Alexis Ohanian of Reddit tells the real-life fable of one humpback whale's rise to Web som. The lesson of Mister Splashy Pants is a shoo-in classic for meme-makers and marketers in the Facebook age.

翻译:在这有趣又有限的四分钟里,Reddit的Alexis Ohanian讲述了一只座头鲸变成网络明星的真实故事。喷水先生的成功被认为是Facebook时代网络流行语崛起并市场化的一个经典。

13. You see lots of people in suits taking elevators to go to their department, marketers sitting with marketers, engineers with engineers, etc.

翻译:你能看到很多人穿着西装, 搭乘电梯抵达他们的部门, 营销人员坐在营销人旁边, 工程师坐在工程师旁边,依此类推。

14. Marketers are tasked with building brands with very limited budget, so there's a little bit of an incentive to categorize people in buckets so they can reach their target faster.

翻译:市场营销人员的任务就是 在非常有限的预算下,建立品牌。因此他们没什么动力 对潜在客户进行分类, 这样他们就可以更快地达成目标。

15. i know that word is so debased now by the use of it by internet marketers.

翻译:我知道现在这词已经被 网络营销者给滥用了。




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