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copter是什么意思 copter的翻译、读音、例句、中文解释

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2023-01-07 06:47:34
  • 98

copter是什么意思 copter的翻译、读音、例句、中文解释




例句:Navy's sending a military copter to handle the hostage situation.

翻译:海军正在派一架军事直升机 Navy's sending a military copter 来处理这起人质事件 to handle the hostage situation.。



例句:Casa Cristo is a rally. i can spot from a copter.




例句:Notify the airport. Get a copter ready for me in 10 minutes.

翻译:通知 十分钟内为我准备好直升飞机。



例句:Chief needs a copter for Ethan and a new reporter, Sarah.

翻译:组长需要一架直升机 给伊森和新记者莎拉。



copter一般作为名词使用,如在tandem heli copter(双旋翼纵列式直升机)、helicopter acoustics([航] 直升飞机声学)、helicopter aerial ambulance(救护直升机)等常见短语中出现较多。

tandem heli copter双旋翼纵列式直升机
helicopter acoustics[航] 直升飞机声学
helicopter aerial ambulance救护直升机
helicopter aerodynamics直升机空气动力学[特性]
helicopter aircraft[航] 直升飞机


1. Notify the airport. Get a copter ready for me in 10 minutes.

翻译:通知 十分钟内为我准备好直升飞机。

2. Chief needs a copter for Ethan and a new reporter, Sarah.

翻译:组长需要一架直升机 给伊森和新记者莎拉。

3. Anyone of you knows how to get to the copter pad.


4. For instance, what you did for Paige up in the copter. Huh?

翻译:比如 你之前在直升机里做的事 For instance, what you did for Paige up in the copter.。

5. And he'll shoot that rescue copter right out of the sky.

翻译:他马上就会把救援直升机打下来 and he'll shoot that rescue copter right out of the sky.。

6. - i found a copter to fly the crew!

翻译:- 我找到载人直升飞机 - 载什么人 - I found a copter to fly the crew。

7. Thanks, but i better get the copter back.

翻译:多谢 最好还回直升飞机 Thanks, but I better get the copter back.。

8. You kids come over in a copter?

翻译:孩子你们开直升飞机过来的? You kids come over in a copter。

9. Dudes, let's watch eode 38, "Super Copter"!


10. That copter didn't come for fun.


11. There's a copter pad half a mile in the compound.

翻译:有条小路到集合点 只要半哩路。

12. Shellie shouts something i can't make out over the racket of a passing police 'copter.

翻译:因为一架的直升机 刚好经过。

13. it's the copter air-control officer. Thank you.

翻译:找你的,队长,飞机指挥官 是直升飞机的事。

14. Stay in the copter and do not touch any of the controls.

翻译:待在直升机里 不许碰控制器。

15. Chief, we've got the copter ready. Wait a minute. We'll handle that.

翻译:队长直升机准备好了 在广场上。


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