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seeping是什么意思 seeping的翻译、读音、例句、中文解释

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2023-04-12 07:01:25
  • 47

seeping是什么意思 seeping的翻译、读音、例句、中文解释




例句:its blood was seeping into the sea.

翻译:会有好多血... 流到海里。



例句:They are seeping around the world.




例句:Like a seeping mist, i will creep into the dogs' center of power and make them quake in fear at the very mention of my name!

翻译:我要像雾一样潜入狗党的控制中心 让他们听到我的名字 就吓得全身发抖。



例句:Pumps at the sewage treatment plants don't work without electricity, so raw human sewage is seeping into lakes and rivers.

翻译:没有了电,水处理厂的泵不再工作 因此人们的原水便会渗入到湖泊和河流中。



seeping一般作为名词、动词使用,如在transudation seeping(漏出)、seeping away(渗出\n漏出)、seeping water(渗透水)等常见短语中出现较多。

transudation seeping漏出
seeping away渗出\n漏出
seeping water渗透水


1. Like a seeping mist, i will creep into the dogs' center of power and make them quake in fear at the very mention of my name!

翻译:我要像雾一样潜入狗党的控制中心 让他们听到我的名字 就吓得全身发抖。

2. Pumps at the sewage treatment plants don't work without electricity, so raw human sewage is seeping into lakes and rivers.

翻译:没有了电,水处理厂的泵不再工作 因此人们的原水便会渗入到湖泊和河流中。

3. Stimulated by seeping water the burrowing frog awakes from its long sleep

翻译:受到渗入地下的水的刺激, ? ? 蛙从长长的睡眠中苏醒过来。

4. And it's seeping directly into her pores.


5. But despite this elaborate decor, sometimes these apartments are used in very unexpected ways, like this home which caught my attention while all the mud and the grass was literally seeping out under the front door.

翻译:但是除了这些精致的装饰, 这些公寓里有时候 也会以一种与众不同的方式被使用。比如这个吸引我注意的房子 很多泥土和杂草 从前门渗了进去。

6. A gentle flavor. Such a rich taste... feels like nutrition is seeping into the body with every bite!

翻译:风味宜人 越吃越觉得。

7. i wouldn't bother to kill you, except i'm so looking forward to every last ounce of blood seeping out of your wretched body.

翻译:若不是我如此渴望每盎司鲜血 流出你卑鄙的身体。

8. My cynicism seeping through like oil through a garden of leaves.


9. You know, above us and below us, there's bubbling lava and you've got all these gases seeping up through here, which is how these caves are made, so there's also increased carbon dioxide in here.

翻译:我们上面和都有熔岩 这里有这些蒸汽透出 这就是冰洞形成的原因。

10. Over time, living tissues decay and bone is replaced by minerals, seeping in from the surrounding sediment.

翻译:组织被钙化后成了 化石的组成部分 但骨头并不是唯一能反映 恐龙的生活的线索。

11. And deep beneath those oceans, at cracks in the Earth's crust, you've got heat seeping up from inside the Earth, and you've got a great diversity of elements.

翻译:在这些海洋下方 地壳的断层中, 你能从地球内部渗透出热量, 而且你也能得到各种原子。

12. The little ones are licking each other again, and Harry's got a seeping wart on his extra toe.

翻译:小的那几个又在互相舔来舔去 Harry 在他多出的脚趾上长了一个不断渗水的疣子。

13. i have sat in St Paul's Cathedral itself, the sun was seeping through the stained glass with a wonderful choir in full voice, but never have i heard such music as played by you today in our humble Dorset church.

翻译:我曾坐在圣保罗大教堂里, I have sat in St Paul's Cathedral itself, 阳光透过五彩玻璃渗进来,优秀的唱诗班齐声合唱。the sun was seeping through the stained glass with a wonderful choir in full voice。

14. The cold and wet seeping through our clothes and our ss.

翻译:用不了多久 我们的衣服和鞋子 就又湿又冷。

15. And now it seems that, all the time, it was the oil wells below the ground seeping through into the water well.

翻译:现在(知道)似乎是,一直以来, 地底下的油井把油渗入了水井。




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