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palliative是什么意思 palliative的翻译、读音、例句、中文解释

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2023-03-02 05:34:37
  • 64

palliative是什么意思 palliative的翻译、读音、例句、中文解释




例句:The group with palliative care reported less pain, less depression.

翻译:做了安宁护理的那组 报告了更少的痛苦, 更少的抑郁。



例句:it's a palliative, like in digital media.




例句:Our group, palliative care, in 2012, working with the sickest of the sick -- cancer, heart disease, lung disease, renal disease, dementia -- how did we improve patient experience?

翻译:我们的安宁护理团队 在2012年研究最严重的病症—— 癌症, 心脏病、肺部疾病, 肾脏疾病, 痴呆。我们如何改善病人体验的呢。



例句:That is the palliative for fury and despair.




palliative一般作为名词、形容词使用,如在dust palliative([化] 吸尘油)、palliative care([网络] 缓和医疗;姑息治疗;缓和疗护)、palliative care unit([主加拿大英语] (加拿大医院中治疗晚期病人的)姑息治疗部;治标护理机构 [亦作 PCU])等常见短语中出现较多。

dust palliative[化] 吸尘油
palliative care[网络] 缓和医疗;姑息治疗;缓和疗护
palliative care unit[主加拿大英语] (加拿大医院中治疗晚期病人的)姑息治疗部;治标护理机构 [亦作 PCU]
palliative dust laying减轻积尘(措施)
palliative excision姑息性切除手术


1. Our group, palliative care, in 2012, working with the sickest of the sick -- cancer, heart disease, lung disease, renal disease, dementia -- how did we improve patient experience?

翻译:我们的安宁护理团队 在2012年研究最严重的病症—— 癌症, 心脏病、肺部疾病, 肾脏疾病, 痴呆。我们如何改善病人体验的呢。

2. That is the palliative for fury and despair.


3. To relocate the patient to a hospice who will manage his palliative care.


4. End-stage lung cancer: one group with palliative care, a similar group without.

翻译:肺病终末期, 一组做安宁护理, 一个对照组不做。

5. A palliative that promises us another hundred years is the same as eternity.


6. Quick aside: palliative care -- a very important field but poorly understood -- while it includes, it is not limited to end of life care.

翻译:顺便提一下:缓和医疗——是一个非常重要的 工作领域,但是经常被误解—— 它涵盖,但不仅限于病人临终前。

7. Now, palliative medicine is not just for the elderly, it is not just for the middle-aged.

翻译:现在安宁护理已经不仅限于老人, 也不仅限于中年人。

8. Or similar to as i said before, with this palliative, you'll take something that will suppress the symptoms, but it won't treat the underlying infection, and you'll only feel better during the time in which you're taking it, which is why you have to keep taking it.

翻译:或者像我以前所说的,使用这种姑息治疗, 你服用药物掩盖病症, 而不能治愈引起病痛的源头 在你用药的时候你觉得好些, 于是你不得不持续用药。

9. i'm a physician now, a hospice and palliative medicine doc, so i've seen care from both sides.

翻译:我现在是一名医生, 安宁病房和临终关怀医生, 所以我从两个角度看医疗系统。

10. And in depression and PTSD -- here we have your stress exposure -- we only have palliative care.

翻译:对于抑郁和创伤后应激障碍 我们看到你的焦虑 我们只能保守治疗。

11. As part of my research, i've been to seminars, read books and talked to palliative care nurses.

翻译:作为我研究的一部分 我曾经去过研讨会 读过书并和姑息治疗的护工谈过话。

12. While Harold's time was limited, palliative care's is not.

翻译:虽然哈罗德的时间是有限的, 但安宁护理的不是。

13. When the cancer advanced and Paul shifted from surgery to writing, his palliative care doctor prescribed a stimulant medication so he could be more focused.

翻译:当癌症进一步加重时 Paul放下了手术刀,拿起了笔, 他的姑息疗法医生给他开了 兴奋类的药物, 这样他可以更加专注。

14. i can tell you about a palliative treatment with chemotherapy to improve your quality of life.

翻译:我可以给你介绍化疗的缓和疗法 来提升一点生活品质。

15. Joel responded better than anyone expected to palliative treatment, and so instead of months, we spent years learning how to love our dying child with all of our hearts.

翻译:Joel的治疗效果 超出了所有人的预期, 他坚持了不止几个月, 而是几年的时间让我们学会 如何全身心的和他相处。




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