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lse是什么意思 lse的翻译、读音、例句、中文解释

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2023-01-20 14:29:26
  • 74

lse是什么意思 lse的翻译、读音、例句、中文解释

lse的中文解释是"伦敦政经学院、伦敦大学经济学系",还经常被翻译为伦敦经济学院,读音为[ˌel es ˈiː],lse常被用作名词,在《郎文当代高级英语辞典》中,共找到91个与lse相关的用法和句子。



例句:'LSE6' is Learn to speak English in 6 weeks...




例句:Well we have a 'LSE4' class that starts today... an 'LSE6' class starting next week... and an 'LSE8' class that starts next month...

翻译:我们今天有个"LSE4"的课程开班了 "LSE6"下周开始... "LSE8",下月起...。



例句:'LSE' is Learn to speak English in 4 weeks...




例句:What 'lse can i do anywa'...




lse一般作为名词使用,如在the lse([网络] 英国伦敦政经学院;伦敦经济学院)、differencial pulse code(差分脉码)、differential pulse code([计] 微分脉冲码)等常见短语中出现较多。

the lse[网络] 英国伦敦政经学院;伦敦经济学院
differencial pulse code差分脉码
differential pulse code[计] 微分脉冲码
differential pulse modulation[电子] 差分脉码调制
differential pulse polarography[化] 微分脉冲极谱法; 差示脉冲极谱


1. 'LSE' is Learn to speak English in 4 weeks...


2. What 'lse can i do anywa'...


3. or you would recalled had you not attended the LSE.

翻译:如果您没上伦敦政经大学 您一定记得 or you would recalled had you not attended the LSE.。

4. Last month, just last month, economists at LSE looked at 51 studies of pay-for-performance plans, inside of companies.

翻译:上个月,才刚过去的那个月 政经学院的经济学家汇整了51个关于 企业内部绩效薪酬的研究。

5. He didn't go to Oxford or Cambridge. He didn't even go to the LSE.

翻译:他没进过牛津剑桥 甚至伦敦政经学院 He didn't go to Oxford or Cambridge even go to the LSE.。

6. - The ambassador and i were at the LSE.

翻译:The ambassador and I were at the LSE.。

7. The 'Learn to Speak English 4' class is a 4 week class... and it starts today.

翻译:"LSE4"班 是一个4周学会用英语交谈的课程... 从今天开始上课。

8. The first letter of adhesive tape on the female rhinoceros beetle is nothing e lse but "V" .

翻译:贴在那只雌性独角仙上的胶带 可以看成首字母"V"吧。

9. Let's go across the pond to the London School of Economics -- LSE, London School of Economics, alma mater of 11 Nobel Laureates in economics.

翻译:让我们跨海到伦敦政经学院看看 LSE,伦敦经济学院 十一位诺贝尔经济奖得主的母校。

10. i'm glad to learn that even the LSE is not totally opposed to education.

翻译:很高兴知道伦敦政经学院也不完全反对教育 Glad to learn even the LSE Is not opposed to education.。

11. Let's go across the pond to the London School of Economics, LSE, London School of Economics, alma mater of eleven Nobel Laureates in economics.

翻译:让我们跨海到伦敦政经学院看看 LSE,伦敦经济学院 十一位诺贝尔经济奖得主的母校。

12. (Laughter) Last month, just last month, economists at LSE looked at 51 studies of pay-for-performance plans, inside of companies.

翻译:上个月,才刚过去的那个月 政经学院的经济学家汇整了51个关于 企业内部绩效薪酬的研究。


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