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impetus是什么意思 impetus的翻译、读音、例句、中文解释

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2023-04-04 11:29:26
  • 155

impetus是什么意思 impetus的翻译、读音、例句、中文解释




例句:What happened was the attitude changed, and senna gave the impetus to really go into safety on a scientific basis.

翻译:首先是车手的态度发生了改变 赛纳推动 科学地进行安全分析。



例句:Stop the revolutionary impetus and you kill the Revolution

翻译:停止促进 你就是扼杀。



例句:(Laughter) i'm very interested in wonder, in design as an impetus to inquiring.

翻译:(笑声) 我对惊奇很感兴趣 在设计中推动人们去探寻。



例句:Senator, you're giving us the impetus to safe thousands of lives.

翻译:议员 你给了我们动力去救助成千上万的生命。



impetus一般作为名词使用,如在propeller impetus([网络] 螺旋桨推进)、with great impetus(用大力)等常见短语中出现较多。

propeller impetus[网络] 螺旋桨推进
with great impetus用大力


1. (Laughter) i'm very interested in wonder, in design as an impetus to inquiring.

翻译:(笑声) 我对惊奇很感兴趣 在设计中推动人们去探寻。

2. Senator, you're giving us the impetus to safe thousands of lives.

翻译:议员 你给了我们动力去救助成千上万的生命。

3. So you put the impetus on her. She has to be the interesting one.


4. With Japan in power, the Reformists are gaining fresh impetus.

翻译:在日本的帮助下 改革派又获得了新的力量。

5. it's a burgeoning group, and without much demand from industry, most of these suppliers have no impetus to grow.

翻译:这个群体在萌芽状态, 但是没有市场的需求, 这个群体没有增长的动力。

6. i'm very interested in wonder, in design as an impetus to inquiring.

翻译:(笑声) 我对惊奇很感兴趣 在设计中推动人们去探寻。

7. And as a reaction, it stimulates public opinion and gives impetus to public debate, thereby preventing the interested parties from totally controlling the agenda, much as they would like to.

翻译:作为回应,激发公众 推动公开辩论, 由此防止某些利益集团向他们所希望的那样操控议程。由此防止某些利益集团向他们所希望的那样操控议程。

8. Sue was probably the impetus for the government following up with a criminal prosecution.

翻译:苏可能是主要的动力... 让接下来使用刑事诉讼的手段.。

9. That price is also a signal that maybe we need to start looking at other technologies, in the same way that gasoline prices are a signal and an impetus, to, say, the development of electric cars.

翻译:这个价格也给出了另外一个信号, 可能我们需要开始转向其他技术, 就好像汽油价格是一种信号, 可以说其 刺激了电动车的发展。

10. My belief is that the single most important thing that we can do to give impetus to open science is to create a general awareness amongst the population of the issue of open science and of its critical importance.

翻译:我想我们唯一能做的 最重要的事情就是, 为开放科学助一臂之力, 在人群中形成一种关于 开放科学及其重要性的普遍意识。

11. Elan vital, vital impetus, life force.


12. "Fear not the enemy's impetus. For with my Dragon Slaying Staff"

翻译:何惧敌人声势壮 凭我一根降龙木。

13. That's the impetus behind a project i created called "Overlooked," which tells the stories of marginalized groups of people who never got an obit.

翻译:出于这个动机,我创立了一个项目, 叫做“被忽略者”, 目的是帮被边缘化的族群说故事, 他们从来没有讣文。

14. And that's what gave us the impetus... to start institutional Venture Associates.

翻译:"机构风险联合公司" 这件事为我们提供了动力 这件事为我们提供了动力 "投资机构提供了1900万美金 丹尼斯·里德合作创建了机构风险联合公司" 这件事为我们提供了动力。

15. You can identify the impetus, the incident, the injury.

翻译:你能感知出原动力 事故 伤害。


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