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fearlessly是什么意思 fearlessly的翻译、读音、例句、中文解释

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2022-11-29 03:46:18
  • 142

fearlessly是什么意思 fearlessly的翻译、读音、例句、中文解释




例句:Now, my little Chihuahua Warriors, love fearlessly, and help others share their hearts as well.

翻译:Now, my little Chihuahua Warriors, 好了, 我的吉娃娃战士们 love fearlessly, and help others share their hearts as well.。



例句:if all his front teeth are in place, fearlessly shoot him as a spy.

翻译:如果看见5颗门牙 那就像干掉间谍一样毙了他。



例句:She fearlessly took on every challenge.

翻译:她无所畏惧地了 每一个挑战。





1. She fearlessly took on every challenge.

翻译:她无所畏惧地了 每一个挑战。

2. i want to be the type of person that just charges fearlessly into the unknown, but i came back two weeks early from Paris because i was lonely.

翻译:我想作那种可以无畏地 投入进未知世界里的人 但是我提前两周从巴黎回来了 只是因为寂寞。

3. For that reason, it's one of the few places where we can fearlessly be ourselves and just ... talk.

翻译:因为这些原因 它是少数几个 我们可以毫无顾虑地做自己 轻松聊天的地方。

4. it was truly inspiring to witness the free will of free men so fearlessly expressed.

翻译:见到众人根据自己的意愿行事 令人印象深刻。

5. They fearlessly raided the queen's caravan and and retrieved your gold.


6. But German flying ace Ernst Udet... fearlessly comes within 20 metres of its icy cliffs... in search of the missing Munich climbers...

翻译:然而德国飞行传奇恩斯特·乌迪特 正将自己迫近 20米外冰封的脉岩 搜寻不幸遇难的登山勇士。

7. When we're young, we're innocently brave, and we fearlessly dream about what our lives might be like.

翻译:我们年轻时就像初生牛犊, 无畏地梦想着 我们的人生可能会是什么样。

8. Now, at 60, decades after the fertile periods of the greatest physicists, plagued by memory loss and melancholy, he fearlessly probed deeper into the mysterious invisible forces.

翻译:现在,在60岁的时候,在这位伟大的物理学家 Now, at 60, decades after the fertile periods 作出一系列巨大发现后的几十年 of the greatest physicists, 他被失忆和抑郁所困扰 plagued by memory loss and melancholy。

9. Fearlessly, who would have done that?


10. in the face of such adversity, they worked fearlessly to secure the safety of the people.

翻译:同甘共苦的2040名釜山消防战士们 用坚强的意志 不惧怕天灾 守住了市民的安全。

11. "Fearlessly heroic and bold dare-devil that he is"


12. But the perfect tools aren't going to help us if we can't face each other and give and receive fearlessly, but, more important -- to ask without shame.

翻译:然而如果我们无法直面彼此 无所畏惧的给予和接受 完美的工具也无法帮助我们, 需要注意的是,更重要的是 不因请求帮助而感到羞愧。

13. She fearlessly surrendered her bitter spirit unto purgatory.


14. When i was little, i'd climb the highest tree, and i'd approach any animal fearlessly.

翻译:小时候,我可以爬最高的树 也可以毫无畏惧得接近任何动物。

15. i could've gone to God fearlessly.



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