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asiatic是什么意思 asiatic的翻译、读音、例句、中文解释

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2022-11-13 03:28:08
  • 93

asiatic是什么意思 asiatic的翻译、读音、例句、中文解释




例句:it's spring in the great broad leaved forests of Eastern Europe and Asiatic Russia.

翻译:这是跨越东欧 -亚洲 -俄罗斯的 世界上最大的落叶阔叶林的春天。



例句:Dear Alex Rover... our island is 20 degrees south, 162 degrees west... in the south Asiatic Sea.

翻译:亲爱的亚历克斯・罗弗 我们的小岛位于南纬20度,西经162度 地处南亚洲海域。



例句:i can't even leave my apartment. i can't- i - i can't go to the south Asiatic Sea!

翻译:我连自家的门都出不了 我怎么能去南亚洲海。



例句:Asiatic city of innumerable churches.




asiatic一般作为名词、形容词使用,如在east asiatic community(东亚共同体)、epigaea asiatica maxim(岩梨(日本))、Epigaea asiatica Maxim.([医] 岩梨, 山枇杷柴)等常见短语中出现较多。

east asiatic community东亚共同体
epigaea asiatica maxim岩梨(日本)
Epigaea asiatica Maxim.[医] 岩梨, 山枇杷柴
Eutamias asiaticus亚洲花鼠
east asiatic community东亚共同体
West Asiatic architecture西亚建筑


1. i can't even leave my apartment. i can't- i - i can't go to the south Asiatic Sea!

翻译:我连自家的门都出不了 我怎么能去南亚洲海。

2. Asiatic city of innumerable churches.


3. Asiatic honeybees also come to drink daily.


4. This is actually in the Library of Congress; it is a pamphlet published by Samuel Gompers, hero of our American labor movement, and it's called, "Some Reason for Chinese Exclusion: Meat versus Rice: American Manhood against Asiatic Coolieism: Which shall survive?

翻译:这份文件现存于美国国会图书馆; 是由美国劳工运动的英雄, 塞缪尔·龚帕斯发表的。它叫做“排除华人的一些理由: 肉食对大米:美国男人对亚洲苦力 孰胜孰负。

5. i bet i'm getting the Asiatic flu.


6. He hates both the European and the Asiatic races.


7. The key figure was a Welsh judge called William Jones, who founded the Asiatic Society.

翻译:威尔士法官・琼斯是关键人物 他创立了亚洲学会。

8. it was here that the lost script of the Mauryan Empire was deciphered in 1837 in the Asiatic Society.


9. And if the Asiatic give you any static, hit the fool with this right here.

翻译:如果那些亚洲佬和你耍花招, 就用这个贬他。

10. They founded the Asiatic Society here, conscious that india was a far older and richer civilisation than their own.

翻译:甚至膜拜印度教诸神 或许他在跨文化交流中。

11. i can spread the word amongst my colleagues that the Asiatic Space Agency is nothing but the poor man's version of NASA.

翻译:我可以在我的同僚中夸口说 亚洲太空总署 只不过是美国太空总署的穷人版。

12. # The righteous Asiatic thinker

翻译:# The righteous Asiatic thinker。

13. it's called, "Some Reason for Chinese Exclusion: Meat versus Rice: American Manhood against Asiatic Coolieism: Which shall survive?"

翻译:它叫做“排除华人的一些理由: 肉食对大米:美国男人对亚洲苦力 孰胜孰负? 这份文件基本上提出了一个论点。

14. When i was in the Asiatic Fleet... the locals used to try to get outside of a problem... to try to see the inside.

翻译:我驻守亚洲时 当地人会从别的角度看问题。


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