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tornadoes是什么意思 tornadoes的翻译、读音、例句、中文解释

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2023-01-01 10:49:59
  • 122

tornadoes是什么意思 tornadoes的翻译、读音、例句、中文解释




例句:All right, so-- he can make lightning and tornadoes and snow.

翻译:好吧 他能闪电 刮龙卷风 下雪。



例句:They soar in thermals, which are vortexes or little tornadoes caused by pressure differences in the air that form throughout the day as the sun heats up the ground.

翻译:它们在热气流中翱翔, 热气流中有涡流或一些小龙卷风, 由白天地面太阳照射造成 空气中的气压不同而产生。



例句:Similar to protecting yourself from tornadoes or hurricanes, getting and staying inside a sy building would offer protection from the explosion’s shockwave, heat, and radiation.

翻译:和台风和龙卷风一样, 找到并待在坚固建筑物内部 能够得到保护,使我们不受冲击波, 热量和辐射的影响。



例句:Unless tornadoes were ripping apart East Texas, in which case, we'd join him in progress.

翻译:除非飓风掀翻德州东部 那么我们就与他有难同当和他一起。





1. Similar to protecting yourself from tornadoes or hurricanes, getting and staying inside a sy building would offer protection from the explosion’s shockwave, heat, and radiation.

翻译:和台风和龙卷风一样, 找到并待在坚固建筑物内部 能够得到保护,使我们不受冲击波, 热量和辐射的影响。

2. Unless tornadoes were ripping apart East Texas, in which case, we'd join him in progress.

翻译:除非飓风掀翻德州东部 那么我们就与他有难同当和他一起。

3. CO: So tornadoes don't happen in Massachusetts.


4. And so three days later, driving very fast, i found myself stalking a single type of giant cloud called the super cell, capable of producing gfruit-size hail and spectacular tornadoes, although only two percent actually do.

翻译:因此三天后,我开着车高速行驶 发现自己逐渐接近一种名叫 超级细胞(super cell)的巨大云层 它能产生葡萄柚大小的冰雹 和壮观的龙卷风 虽然那些都只有百分之二的机会。

5. instead of letting live sharks rain down on people, we are going to get in that chopper and throw bombs into the tornadoes.

翻译:与其让活鲨鱼降下 人 我们要在该斩波。

6. it's very easy for all of us to bring to mind instances of news stories or newsreels where we've seen tornadoes devastating cities, or some poor schmuck who's blown his hands off with a firework on the Fourth of July.

翻译:而大家却很容易想起来 曾经看过的电视或者新闻中报道 飓风摧毁城市,或者某个倒霉鬼 在国庆日被烟火崩掉了手。

7. Last year, when Clearwater High's swimming star Kyle Connellan graduated leaving behind five state records it appeared the glory days of the Tornadoes might be behind them.

翻译:去年,Clearwater高中的游泳明星Kyle Connellan毕业之时 创造了五个州的记录 当时,龙卷风般的荣耀环绕着他。

8. Well, think of the two boxers as ocean waves or currents of air, two tornadoes, say.

翻译:把这两个拳击手想像成海浪 或是气流 比如说 两股旋风。

9. The tornadoes just touched down in San Diego.


10. - There's gonna be tornadoes?


11. Now, you see a very interesting pattern here, which is first of all, two things are vastly over-estimated, namely tornadoes and fireworks.

翻译:一个非常有意思的现象出现了, 首先 两项数据大大超过实际值: 飓风和烟火。

12. Tornadoes happen when cold and warm air meet.

翻译:龙卷风发生时 冷 暖空气相遇。

13. And this is the curve for the Dallas tornadoes in April, where we deployed software.

翻译:这是四月份达拉斯的龙卷风 我们用软件进行了分析。

14. For more than seven years, he's traveled the globe, chasing tornadoes on the rampage.

翻译:- For more than seven years, he's traveled the globe, chasing tornadoes on the rampage.。

15. Of course, earthquakes and all the natural phenomena -- floods, tornadoes, etc. -- take their toll.

翻译:毋庸置疑,地震 等自然灾害—— 洪水 飓风等—— 的确在不断侵袭。




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