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timescale是什么意思 timescale的翻译、读音、例句、中文解释

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2023-04-06 10:45:51
  • 113

timescale是什么意思 timescale的翻译、读音、例句、中文解释




例句:But on the slower timescale that interests me, being stuck is a much more serious thing.

翻译:但在我感兴趣的较慢的时间尺度上, 被卡住是一个更严重的事情。



例句:Another battle is being waged here but on a much longer timescale.

翻译:这里又开辟了一个新的战场 可是不会持续多久。



例句:Let me give you a sense of the timescale at work here.

翻译:让我来对所涉及的 时间标度做一下说明。



例句:it's simply accelerating the pace at which the body heals itself to a clinically relevant timescale.

翻译:它简单的说就是加快了身体自我修复的速度 加快到有临床意义的范围内。



timescale一般作为名词使用,如在geologic timescale([网络] 地质年代表)、geologic timescales([网络] 地质时间尺度)、geological timescale([网络] 地质年代)等常见短语中出现较多。

geologic timescale[网络] 地质年代表
geologic timescales[网络] 地质时间尺度
geological timescale[网络] 地质年代
stratigraphic timescale地层年表;地层时间表


1. Let me give you a sense of the timescale at work here.

翻译:让我来对所涉及的 时间标度做一下说明。

2. it's simply accelerating the pace at which the body heals itself to a clinically relevant timescale.

翻译:它简单的说就是加快了身体自我修复的速度 加快到有临床意义的范围内。

3. All of these applications of base editing have taken place in less than the past three years: on the historical timescale of science, the blink of an eye.

翻译:所有这些对碱基编辑的应用 都发生在不到三年的时间里: 在科学的历史尺度上, 这只是一眨眼的功夫。

4. One and a half years flash past in a matter of seconds. On this timescale, the dunes are like a stormy sea.

翻译:将一年半的影像资料缩短至几秒 {\3cH202020}One and a half years flash past in a matter of seconds. 沙丘仿佛风急雨骤的大海 {\3cH202020}the dunes are like a stormy sea.。

5. if we could watch our planet on its own timescale, in which big changes take millions of years to play out, we would see it as the dynamic organism it really is.

翻译:如果我们可以用地球本身的时间刻度观察 If we could watch our planet on its own timescale, 重大的变化要用上百万年的时间才可以显现出来 in which big changes take millions of years to play out, 我们就可以看出它是怎样的一个动态有机体 we would see it as the dynamic organism it really is.。

6. And i'm also trying to create a means in which to step outside our quotidian experience of time and to start to consider a deeper timescale.

翻译:而且我还试图寻找一种方式 站在我们司空见惯的时间观之外 开始考虑一个更深一层的时间跨度。

7. On the bottom here, this is the geologic timescale, and the numbers on it indicate millions of years from the present, so the zero here, that would be today.

翻译:在图表的底部 是一个地质年代表 表上的数字所指的是 距今数百万年以前,而这里的数字零 代表今天。

8. CA: So, in your mind, timescale and likelihood of actually taking something like this live?

翻译:主持人:就你看来,实现这一计划的时间跨度和可能性如何? 主持人:就你看来,实现这一计划的时间跨度和可能性如何。

9. And in terms of time, we now know that ice sheets not only evolve over the timescale of millennia and centuries, but they're also changing over the scale of years and days.

翻译:就时间而言,我们现在知道 冰层不仅仅以千年和百年的 时间跨度进化, 它们也在数年和数天的 时间跨度层面发生改变。

10. This timescale according to which the plant world lives is exactly that, a scale.

翻译:其中涉及了数千个运动的部件 而且速度飞快。

11. On the bottom here, this is the geologic timescale, and the numbers on it indicate millions of years from the present, so the zero here, that would be today.

翻译:在图表的底部 是一个地质年代表 表上的数字所指的是 距今数百万年以前,而这里的数字零 代表今天。

12. And i'm also trying to create a means in which to step outside our quotidian experience of time and to start to consider a deeper timescale.

翻译:而且我还试图寻找一种方式 站在我们司空见惯的时间观之外 开始考虑一个更深一层的时间跨度。

13. So if you want to start exploring beaches somewhere else, or you want to see two-sun sunsets, then you're talking about something that is very different, because you have to change the timescale and the body of humans in ways which may be absolutely unrecognizable.

翻译:所以,如果我们想在 其他地方漫步沙滩, 或者想要看双日落, 那么我们在讨论的 一定是非常不同的东西, 因为我们必须要改变 时间维度和人体的构造 直到超乎想象的地步。

14. And indeed, future evolution will happen much faster, on a technological timescale, not a natural selection timescale.

翻译:而事实上,未来的进化会发生得更快, 会在一个科技的时间尺度内, 而不是在自然选择的时间尺度内。

15. it's simply accelerating the pace at which the body heals itself to a clinically relevant timescale.

翻译:它简单的说就是加快了身体自我修复的速度 加快到有临床意义的范围内。




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