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snippets是什么意思 snippets的翻译、读音、例句、中文解释

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2023-03-26 13:10:05
  • 58

snippets是什么意思 snippets的翻译、读音、例句、中文解释




例句:it's willpotter.com/CMU and it's a footnoted version of the talk, so you can see the documents for yourself without the little snippets.

翻译:willpotter.com/CMU 我对这次演讲的所有内容做了脚注, 你可以直接点击(引用的)片段 查看文件原文。



例句:Although copyright law would allow me to quote snippets in the context of a review.

翻译:不过版权法允许我 在评述时引用只言片语。



例句:So i'm going to show you now just a few brief snippets of some of the interviews that i did, some of the people i spoke with.

翻译:,我想你们展示其中的一小部分 一些我采访过的人,和一些与我交谈的人。



例句:Just like the brain integrates vision and language, we developed a model that connects parts of visual things like visual snippets with words and phrases in sentences.

翻译:就像我们的大脑, 把视觉现象和语言融合在一起, 我们开发了一个模型, 可以把一部分视觉信息,像视觉片段, 与语句中的文字、短语联系起来。



snippets一般作为名词使用,如在DNA snippets([网络] DN段)、Rich Snippets([网络] 富摘要;丰富网页摘要;富文本摘要)等常见短语中出现较多。

DNA snippets[网络] DN段
Rich Snippets[网络] 富摘要;丰富网页摘要;富文本摘要


1. So i'm going to show you now just a few brief snippets of some of the interviews that i did, some of the people i spoke with.

翻译:,我想你们展示其中的一小部分 一些我采访过的人,和一些与我交谈的人。

2. Just like the brain integrates vision and language, we developed a model that connects parts of visual things like visual snippets with words and phrases in sentences.

翻译:就像我们的大脑, 把视觉现象和语言融合在一起, 我们开发了一个模型, 可以把一部分视觉信息,像视觉片段, 与语句中的文字、短语联系起来。

3. And i will give you two little snippets -- two examples -- of projects we're involved in in my group in Oxford, both of which i think are rather exciting.

翻译:我会举在牛津我们团队正在研究的项目中 的两个小例子 我认为这两个例子都很有趣。

4. You're watching snippets from "Sputnik," my fifth documentary feature, which is just about completed.

翻译:您正在观看的是来自电影“人造卫星”的片段 这是我刚完成的第五部纪录长片。

5. You're watching snippets from "Sputnik," my fifth documentary feature, which is just about completed.

翻译:您正在观看的是来自电影“人造卫星”的片段 这是我刚完成的第五部纪录长片。

6. Once you have those recordings, what we need to do is we have to p these recordings into little snippets of speech, one- or two-sound combinations, sometimes even whole words that start populating a dataset or a database.

翻译:一旦有了这些录音之后, 我们需要做的就是 将这些录音 解析成语音的小片段, 一两个发声的组合, 有的时候甚至整个的词语 也会出现在数据库里边。

7. My whole 45-minute video had been silenced because there were snippets in that video, a video about fair use, that included Warner Music Group music.

翻译:我全长45分钟的视频 全部没有声音 因为这里面有一点点内容, 关于公平使用视频, 包含了华纳音乐集团的音乐。

8. He takes them before us, we are fortunate if we not only find snippets.

翻译:要是韦多在我们之前抓到这些人 能找到他们的尸体碎片 就算我们走运了。

9. And i will give you two little snippets -- two examples -- of projects we're involved in in my group in Oxford, both of which i think are rather exciting.

翻译:我会举在牛津我们团队正在研究的项目中 的两个小例子 我认为这两个例子都很有趣。

10. She'd come across a few snippets of my memoir, which wasn't even out yet, and she was concerned.

翻译:她偶然看到了我 回忆录中的几段话 这回忆录当时还没出版, 她很担忧。

11. And in a miracle, he lifted his own violin and he started playing, by ear, certain snippets of violin concertos which he then asked me to complete -- Mendelssohn, Tchaikovsky, Sibelius.

翻译:神奇的是,他拿起了他的小提琴 他也跟着开始演奏 小提琴协奏曲的某些片断 然后他又要我来完成,门德尔松 柴可夫斯基,西贝柳斯。

12. And the snippets of halting English were exchanged between people who had one thing in common: They were starting again.

翻译:说着同样磕磕绊绊的英语, 人们相互交流着。有一件事情是相同的, 又重新开始了。

13. Phrases and snippets taken out of context in what i call the "highlighter version," which is the one favored by both Muslim fundamentalists and anti-Muslim islamophobes.

翻译:人们断章取义 截出我称之为“划重点版”的章节, 原教旨主义者和 反的恐教者都乐衷于此。

14. Those are little snippets of memory...


15. (Laughter) Phrases and snippets taken out of context in what i call the "highlighter version," which is the one favored by both Muslim fundamentalists and anti-Muslim islamophobes.

翻译:人们断章取义 截出我称之为“划重点版”的章节, 原教旨主义者和 反的恐教者都乐衷于此。




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