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industrialization是什么意思 industrialization的翻译、读音、例句、中文解释

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2023-02-23 06:32:28
  • 70

industrialization是什么意思 industrialization的翻译、读音、例句、中文解释

industrialization在英语中代表"工业化 、工业化"的意思,在日常中也代表"经"的意思,发音是[indʌstriəlaiz'eiʃən],在英语中以名词出现较多,在《英汉简明词典》中,共找到46个与industrialization相关的释义和例句。



例句:in spite of all the economic activities of the last 50-70 years since the World War 2 and all the industrialization we have not yet managed to solve the problem of poverty, depravation, hunger or malnutrition..

翻译:尽管自二战后 {\pos(70.56,193.92)}萨提斯·库玛 舒马赫学院 创始人。



例句:i could talk about industrialization and men's fashions all day... but i'm afraid work must intrude... and my associate, Theo, has some questions foryou.

翻译:我能谈上一整天工业化和男性时装 想工作更重要 我的同事西奥有些问题要问你。



例句:Although it has yet to be 60 years since then, the democratization and industrialization that seemed like nothing more than an impossibility.




例句:And what we said, my mother and me, "Thank you industrialization.

翻译:我们我妈和我想说的是, “感谢工业化。



industrialization一般作为名词使用,如在disorderly industrialization(无秩序工业化)、export led industrialization([网络] 出口导向工业化;面向出口的工业化;工业化进程)、intense industrialization(高度工业化)等常见短语中出现较多。

disorderly industrialization无秩序工业化
export led industrialization[网络] 出口导向工业化;面向出口的工业化;工业化进程
intense industrialization高度工业化
proto industrialization原型工业化
industrialization plan工业化计划
industrialization program工业化纲要
industrialization road工业化道路


1. Although it has yet to be 60 years since then, the democratization and industrialization that seemed like nothing more than an impossibility.


2. And what we said, my mother and me, "Thank you industrialization.

翻译:我们我妈和我想说的是, “感谢工业化。

3. And Palchinsky repeatedly got in trouble for his radical honesty and willingness to point out major flaws in the Soviets' mindless pursuit of rapid industrialization.

翻译:Palchinsky 不断地因为自己 极端的诚实 并不断指出苏联盲目工业化过程中 存在的主要缺陷 而给自己惹来麻烦。

4. Building up skills and suppliers are not the only hurdles to local industrialization, but they're good examples of how we think about the challenge.

翻译:在地方工业化的期间, 我们遇到的阻碍还不止 培养技术和供应商, 但是他们是让我们考虑挑战的好例子。

5. "industrialization," "destruction of war, and so on"

翻译:也许 工业化,战争的毁灭,等等。

6. Many of the countries that suffered most from the last 200 years of globalization and imperialism and industrialization are exactly the countries which are also most likely to suffer most from the next wave.

翻译:许多遭受过 持续两百年的 国际化,和工业化的国家, 下一次也最有可能 遭受到打击。

7. Long live socialist industrialization!

翻译:社会主义工业化的 真实写照。

8. On one side, you see this exhaust of a diesel generator, the same generator which is a sign of human progress, which is a sign of rapid industrialization and what we have become as a society in the last 100 years, generating energy.

翻译:一方面,你们可以看到 一个柴油发电机排出的废气, 正是这样的柴油发电机 标志着人类文明的进步, 标志着快速工业化,我们在 过去的100年里为了聚获得能量, 做出了怎样的努力。

9. Well real organized crime on the internet goes back about 10 years when a group of gifted Ukrainian hackers developed a website, which led to the industrialization of cybercrime.

翻译:真正的有组织网络犯罪要 追溯到10年前 当乌克兰一个天才黑客组织 开发了一个网站 形成了网络犯罪的 产业化。

10. They will get the textiles jobs that will take people out of rural poverty and put them on the road to industrialization and wealth.

翻译:他们会得到纺织工作 这会让人们远离贫困, 走上通往工业化和小康之路。

11. Securing the necessary stability to allow JK to apply his Plan of Goals and to increase industrialization,

翻译:确保必要的稳定性去允许儒塞利诺・库比契克 Securing the necessary stability to allow JK to apply his Plan of Goals 专注于他的目标计划并提高产业化, and to increase industrialization。

12. Then, with industrialization, everything started to become centralized.


13. Then, with industrialization, everything started to become centralized.

翻译:之后工业化的兴起, 一切开始变得集中起来。

14. This lack of industrialization, which itself creates a vicious-cycle barrier to the emergence of industry, has caused the dependence on imports.

翻译:非洲本身缺少工业化, 而工业化又是向新兴经济发展 必走的一步, 所以形成了依赖的恶性循环。

15. (Laughter) And what we said, my mother and me, "Thank you, industrialization.

翻译:我们我妈和我想说的是, “感谢工业化。




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