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arousal是什么意思 arousal的翻译、读音、例句、中文解释

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2022-11-14 13:06:21
  • 147

arousal是什么意思 arousal的翻译、读音、例句、中文解释

arousal的中文解释是"唤醒 、醒来",在日常中也代表"唤醒"的意思,发音是[ər'auzəl],arousal来源于英语,在《牛津英汉双解词典》中,共找到29个与arousal相关的近义词和例句。



例句:...you learn that red lipstick mimic arousal and suggests the geography of the minora.

翻译:你就会学到红唇能刺激 且能使人联想起小的形状。



例句:So the effect, very quickly, is it's a new kind of arousal.

翻译:因此这导致快速得 供给新的兴奋。



例句:Arousal is still good because you are over-challenged there.




例句:Arousal is still good because you are over-challenged there.




arousal一般作为名词使用,如在emotional arousal([医]情绪激发)、emotional arousals(情绪激发)、misattribution of arousal(生理激发的错误归因)等常见短语中出现较多。

emotional arousal[医]情绪激发
emotional arousals情绪激发
misattribution of arousal生理激发的错误归因
optimal arousal level最佳唤醒水平
optimal arousal level最佳唤醒水平
physiological arousal measure生理激起测量、生理唤起测量
ual arousal disorder性兴奋疾患、性兴奋障碍


1. Arousal is still good because you are over-challenged there.


2. Arousal is still good because you are over-challenged there.


3. The problem is these are arousal addictions.


4. And if you want your content to get engagement, it has to spark emotion, specifically, what behavioral scientists call "high-arousal emotion."

翻译:如果你要让你的内容获得互动, 它就得散播情绪, 具体来说,就是行为科学家 所说的那种“高唤醒情绪”。

5. i can't share a room with someone in a constant state of arousal.


6. So the effect, very quickly, is it's a new kind of arousal.

翻译:因此这导致快速得 供给新的兴奋。

7. Of course, pitch often goes along with pace to indicate arousal, but you can do it just with pitch.

翻译:当然,音调常常跟语速一起 来指示兴奋度,但你能仅仅用音调就显示出来。

8. This makes you more receptive to touching and being touched, sending the signal that you can relax into your arousal.

翻译:这使你更容易接受和被抚摸 当你放松并达到兴奋时 就会发送信号。

9. So, arousal is the area where most people learn from, because that's where they're pushed beyond their comfort zone and to enter that -- going back to flow -- then they develop higher skills.

翻译:觉醒是大多数人学习的地方 他们在那样的区域就走出舒适圈 而后走进流动 学会更高级的技能。

10. And traditionally, when a man experiences arousal, his s produce more sperm.

翻译:习惯上, 当一个男人兴奋的时候 他的丸会产生更多的。

11. And then-- And then you would feel my hands kind of descend to your lower region, kind of, uh, finding their way, massaging the skin around your oris, which would even stimulate the arousal even more.

翻译:小猫咪一样 然后... 然后你会感觉到。

12. if you see something that you think is really creative and thoughtful and you want to share that thing, you can share that thing, even if it's not flooding you with high arousal emotion.

翻译:如果你看到一些你认为真的 有创意和有思想的东西, 并且你想要分享那个东西, 你就可以分享, 即使它没有让你充满高度兴奋的情绪。

13. On the other hand, no arousal.

翻译:另一方面讲 没什么感觉。

14. So physiological arousal predicted, in this study, attitudes toward marriage.

翻译:在这项研究中,生理反应到 实验参与者对同性恋婚姻的态度。

15. This indicates partial sleep arousal.



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