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innately是什么意思 innately的翻译、读音、例句、中文解释

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2022-07-23 01:19:40
  • 144

innately是什么意思 innately的翻译、读音、例句、中文解释

innately通常被翻译为"天生地、与生俱来的"的意思,作为副词时有"天赋地"的意思,发音音标为[美 ɪˈneɪtlɪ],innately是一个英语副词,在《英国拉丁词典》中,共找到15个与innately相关的释义和例句。



例句:And we know that these jobs might be in different industries, they might be in different occupations and at different skill levels, but because they are innately predictable, we know they're probably at some point going to be susceptible to machine learning, and therefore, to automation.

翻译:这类工作可能来自不同行业, 不同岗位,所需技能也有高低之分, 但本质上都是可以的, 因此终有一日会受到 机器学习的冲击, 并走向自动化。



例句:For one thing, it's innately biased toward blood relations, babies and warm, fuzzy animals.

翻译:一方面,它天生就对 血缘关系,婴儿 和温暖毛茸茸的动物存在偏见。



例句:Now in the nature area, we look at whether or not we are innately equipped with something, perhaps in our brains, some abnormal chromosome that causes this muse-like effect.

翻译:在天份的方面,我们必须要检视 我们是否生来就有这天赋,或者 在我们的大脑里,是否有些一些不正常的染色体 带来了这些像是灵感的效应。



innately一般作为副词、动词使用,如在pinnately compound leaf([医] 羽状复叶)、pinnately parted(羽状深裂的)、pinnately ternate(羽状三出的)等常见短语中出现较多。

pinnately compound leaf[医] 羽状复叶
pinnately parted羽状深裂的
pinnately ternate羽状三出的
pinnately trifoliate具羽状三小叶的


1. Now in the nature area, we look at whether or not we are innately equipped with something, perhaps in our brains, some abnormal chromosome that causes this muse-like effect.

翻译:在天份的方面,我们必须要检视 我们是否生来就有这天赋,或者 在我们的大脑里,是否有些一些不正常的染色体 带来了这些像是灵感的效应。

2. (Man) Although some people are innately flirtatious, it's also a skill that can be Learned and developed.

翻译:虽然有些人是天生就会调情 但这也是一项可以学习的技巧。

3. Now, we are innately tuned into the beauty of the human body.


4. We know that humans are innately innovative, because if we weren't, we'd all be using the same arrowheads that we were using 10,000 years ago.

翻译:我们知道人类天生具有创造力, 因为如果没有的话, 我们可能都还在使用 一万年以前的箭头石器。

5. There's no reason to believe that African women have innately different desires.

翻译:我们没有理由相信 非洲女性生来就有不同的欲望。

6. Brad, you take the math and science because you're male... and therefore more innately qualified.

翻译:所以你更有资格 找出一切和人体冷冻技术相关的资料。

7. (Man) although some people are innately flirtatious, it's also a skill that can be learned and developed.

翻译:虽然有些人天生娇媚 但这也是一个可以学习和发展的技能。

8. But i do have one virtue. And it's an innately Jewish one.

翻译:不过我有个优点 犹太人与生俱来的优点。

9. Now in the nature area, we look at whether or not we are innately equipped with something, perhaps in our brains, some abnormal chromosome that causes this muse-like effect.

翻译:在天份的方面,我们必须要检视 我们是否生来就有这天赋,或者 在我们的大脑里,是否有些一些不正常的染色体 带来了这些像是灵感的效应。

10. My whole body is just innately beautiful


11. i see in you, Bernie, an innately kind person.

翻译:在我看来 Bernie 你的天性善良。

12. i suspect that human nature is innately flawed.



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