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paralytic是什么意思 paralytic的翻译、读音、例句、中文解释

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2022-10-01 11:34:55
  • 98

paralytic是什么意思 paralytic的翻译、读音、例句、中文解释




例句:Very clever of Reordan to find a paralytic that was activated by the combination of copper and water and was therefore undetectable once the bath water was drained.

翻译:聪明的莱尔顿找到了个使人中风的法子 是利用与铜和水发生化学反应致人死地 这种方法在洗澡水被排干后不易被发觉。



例句:This is a temporary paralytic enzyme. You`re gonna shoot this under your chin.




例句:i'll be puncturing the cerebrospinal membrane to access your frontal lobe, where i'll administer this paralytic.

翻译:我会刺穿你的脑脊膜到达到大脑额叶 然后我会让它瘫痪。



例句:it looks as though they did know about the bugs and their paralytic sting, but im not seeing anything on file about those humanoid raiders or their ship.

翻译:癣絋龟笵硂挛㎝ウ陈肤瑀 ぃ筁иゅン柑тぃ闽ê碿匆㎝ウ差薄厨。



paralytic一般作为名词、形容词使用,如在dysphagia paralytica([医] 麻痹性咽下困难, 瘫痪性咽下困难)、ectropion paralyticum([医] 麻痹性睑外翻)、endemic paralytic vertigo([医] 地方性麻痹性眩晕, 惹利埃氏病)等常见短语中出现较多。

dysphagia paralytica[医] 麻痹性咽下困难, 瘫痪性咽下困难
ectropion paralyticum[医] 麻痹性睑外翻
endemic paralytic vertigo[医] 地方性麻痹性眩晕, 惹利埃氏病
erythema paralyticum[医] 麻痹性红斑
endemic paralytic vertigo[医] 地方性麻痹性眩晕, 惹利埃氏病
hereditary paralytic syndrome遗传性麻痺症候群
kymoparalytic muscular hypertrophy电波麻痺性肌肥大
motor paralytic bladder运动神经麻痺性膀胱


1. i'll be puncturing the cerebrospinal membrane to access your frontal lobe, where i'll administer this paralytic.

翻译:我会刺穿你的脑脊膜到达到大脑额叶 然后我会让它瘫痪。

2. it looks as though they did know about the bugs and their paralytic sting, but im not seeing anything on file about those humanoid raiders or their ship.

翻译:癣絋龟笵硂挛㎝ウ陈肤瑀 ぃ筁иゅン柑тぃ闽ê碿匆㎝ウ差薄厨。

3. They'll have administered a paralytic agent, but they put a tourniquet on the ankle, you see?

翻译:他们会实施 但仍然需要在绑住脚腕固定,看到了吗。

4. Why would Larry inject himself with a paralytic drug?

翻译:{\fnMicrosoft YaHei\fs22\shad1\3cHF2AA45\be1}为什么Larry注射药品 {\fnMicrosoft YaHei\fs14\bord1\shad1\3cH6C3308\be1}Why would Larry inject himself with a paralytic drug。

5. First, i swiped a paralytic from the infirmary.

翻译:首先 我从治疗室偷了一针剂 First, I swiped a paralytic from the infirmary.。

6. Big fans. Paralytic with giddiness.

翻译:我们是你的忠实粉丝 见到本人有点激动。

7. Succinylcholine. it's a mild paralytic.

翻译:琥珀□胆碱 一种温和的麻痹药。

8. a lethal quantity of an ultra short-acting barbiturate in combination with a chemical paralytic agent, will be injected into your body until you are dead.

翻译:你将会 在化学药剂师的监督下 注射致死剂量的短效类药物。

9. So i took a different approach... paralytic combined with an anesthetic.

翻译:所以 我就用另外一种方法... So I took a different approach... 麻痹和药的混合剂 Paralytic combined with an anesthetic.。

10. A new paralytic to use against me,


11. i'm not paralytic, i'm tired, understood?

翻译:我不是瘫痪 我是累了 懂吗。

12. Don't worry, it's just a mild paralytic.

翻译:别担心 只是轻微瘫痪。

13. - So i've got a paralytic grandmother.


14. What she means is he's old and paralytic.


15. Used a paralytic to fake her death, straight out of our own playbook.

翻译:利用麻痹药物制造了她的假死 完全脱离了我们设计的剧本。




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