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bridgehead是什么意思 bridgehead的翻译、读音、例句、中文解释

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2023-03-05 04:40:04
  • 55

bridgehead是什么意思 bridgehead的翻译、读音、例句、中文解释




例句:The Anglo-Americans are breaking out of their Normandy bridgehead, and the Russians are driving deep into Poland.

翻译:盎格鲁 -盟军 已经突破了诺曼底的桥头堡。





1. They were anxious now about phase two of the operation - the battle of the bridgehead.

翻译:他们现在对行动的第二阶段... 桥头堡战役感到焦虑不安。

2. We must hold this bridgehead until the offensive a few days from now.

翻译:我们必须守住这个桥头堡 直到几天后就要发动的全面攻击。

3. i know from reliable sources that headquarters have already written off the Kuban bridgehead.

翻译:我受够了这种局面 不过也没关系 我从可靠的来源知道。

4. As far as the war is concerned then- "Don't speak about the bridgehead ... except by mentioning the final result of France as occupied by the enemy. "


5. Panzer divisions east of Rouen were able to break through the enemy bridgehead.

翻译:这几个部署在鲁昂以东的装甲师 已突破敌方桥头堡。

6. (De Guingand) lt's anyone's guess whether, having got that Rhine bridgehead, at that time of year, with the bad weather setting in, whether we'd have been able to maintain that for several months during the winter.

翻译:谁都说不准,夺下莱茵河对岸的那个桥头堡后, 在一年的那个时节,随着坏天气的来临, 我们是否能够在冬天那几个月守住那个(桥头堡)。

7. We were ordered to go in there, we were ordered to seize a bridgehead.

翻译:(马克·克拉克将军 美国第五军司令) 我们被命令去那里, 我们被命令去抢下一个 桥头堡 我们做到了。

8. Bridgehead to conquer near the citadel!


9. With the bridgehead secure, the panzers were poised to break out.

翻译:随着桥头堡被肃清,(德国) 装甲做好了突破的准备。

10. We can't abandon neither Caen or the bridgehead.


11. The Americans already have a bridgehead in the north.

翻译:这不再重要 美国人在北部 有座桥头堡。

12. We were eager to secure a Rhine river bridgehead but we despaired of taking a bridge intact.

翻译:我们热切于保护 一个莱茵河河桥头堡 但是我们带一座桥绝望了尚未被人碰过的。

13. Myeogdong is the bridgehead to Gangnam !

翻译:Myeogdong 是到Gangnam的桥头堡。

14. After we broke out from the bridgehead, supply for a very long time had to come over the beaches or be carried by air.

翻译:在我们从桥头堡突破以后, (弗兰西斯·德·古因甘德将军 蒙哥马利的参谋长) 有很长一段时间 补给不得不从海滩运过来或被空运过来。

15. "The bridgehead, according to Hamley's infantry tactics, is too small."



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