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juxtaposed是什么意思 juxtaposed的翻译、读音、例句、中文解释

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2023-03-15 07:20:54
  • 53

juxtaposed是什么意思 juxtaposed的翻译、读音、例句、中文解释




例句:We can see now what was barely recognizable in the original: 17 red and orange squares are juxtaposed with just two green squares.

翻译:我们可以看到在原本图画中看不到的 十七个红色和桔色方块还有两个绿色方块捣乱。



例句:it's rarely color that i find in nature, although, you know, juxtaposed next to artificial color, natural color is so beautiful.

翻译:我在自然界中很难发现的色彩, 尽管,你知道,与人造色并列在一起 自然的颜色是如此的美丽。



例句:in “The Tell-Tale Heart,” a ghastly murder is juxtaposed with the killer’s tender empathy towards the victim – a connection that soon returns to haunt him.

翻译:在《泄密的心》中,一场可怕的 和凶手对受害者那温柔的同情并存。这份同情很快便使他得到了报应。



例句:Those are juxtaposed very nicely together.




juxtaposed一般作为名词使用,如在juxtaposed ice stream(并置冰川)等常见短语中出现较多。

juxtaposed ice stream并置冰川


1. in “The Tell-Tale Heart,” a ghastly murder is juxtaposed with the killer’s tender empathy towards the victim – a connection that soon returns to haunt him.

翻译:在《泄密的心》中,一场可怕的 和凶手对受害者那温柔的同情并存。这份同情很快便使他得到了报应。

2. Those are juxtaposed very nicely together.


3. And juxtaposed against this grid, you see actually, by rolling over each individual one, the humanity behind this hugely mechanical process.

翻译:移动鼠标, 你可以看到每只羊的放大效果和绘图过程, 这个巨大的机械过程背后的人性化。

4. Juxtaposed with the hypocrisy of how women are treated, especially in public spaces today, i decided to do something about it.

翻译:并反对虚伪对待女性, 特别是在如今的公共场所。我决定做一些什么。

5. And juxtaposed against this grid, you see actually, by rolling over each individual one, the humanity behind this hugely mechanical process.

翻译:移动鼠标, 你可以看到每只羊的放大效果和绘图过程, 这个巨大的机械过程背后的人性化。

6. Basho, in 17 syllables, juxtaposed a turbulent ocean driven by a storm now past, and captured the almost impossible beauty of our home galaxy with millions of stars, probably hundreds and hundreds of -- who knows how many -- planets, maybe even an ocean that we will probably call Sylvia in time.

翻译:芭蕉用17个音节 列举了 风暴刚止后的 汹涌大海 并最大限度地把握了 我们银河家园 的美丽之处 里面点缀了无数繁星 还有成千上万的——谁知道有多少呢——行星 可能还有一片海洋 在当时被称为Sylvia。

7. it's rarely color that i find in nature, although, you know, juxtaposed next to artificial color, natural color is so beautiful.

翻译:我在自然界中很难发现的色彩, 尽管,你知道,与人造色并列在一起 自然的颜色是如此的美丽。

8. Basho, in 17 syllables, juxtaposed a turbulent ocean driven by a storm now past, and captured the almost impossible beauty of our home galaxy with millions of stars, probably hundreds and hundreds of -- who knows how many -- planets, maybe even an ocean that we will probably call Sylvia in time.

翻译:芭蕉用17个音节 列举了 风暴刚止后的 汹涌大海 并最大限度地把握了 我们银河家园 的美丽之处 里面点缀了无数繁星 还有成千上万的——谁知道有多少呢——行星 可能还有一片海洋 在当时被称为Sylvia。

9. The choice of words juxtaposed with the image of a fluffy kitten!

翻译:遣词用字很有意思 毛绒绒的小猫咪造成的意象。

10. (Laughter) We can see now what was barely recognizable in the original: 17 red and orange squares are juxtaposed with just two green squares.

翻译:(笑声) 我们可以看到在原本图画中看不到的 十七个红色和桔色方块还有两个绿色方块捣乱。




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