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connective是什么意思 connective的读音、翻译、用法

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2023-06-21 02:54:39
  • 83

connective是什么意思 connective的读音、翻译、用法

1. Connective的定义:Connective通常用于指代连接词或者连词,这是英语语法中非常重要的一部分。Connective用来将一句话或者句子中的不同部分连接起来,以表达更加准确和丰富的意思。

2. Connective的种类:Connective可以分为两种,即 coordinate connectives和subordinate connectives。前者主要用于连接两个独立的句子,例如:“I am tired, but I still have to finish my work.” 后者主要用于连接一个主句和一个从句,例如:“Although it is raining, I still want to go out.”

3. Connective的作用:Connective在英语语法中非常重要,因为它们能够使文本更加通顺和连贯。首先来说,connective还可以帮助人们更好地理解和分析英语文本,并且提高英语写作和口语表达的能力。


1. Coordinate connectives:

- I like coffee, but my friend prefers tea. (我喜欢咖啡,但是我的朋友更喜欢茶。)

- She is a great singer, and she is also a talented pianist. (她是一位优秀的歌手,同时还是一位才华横溢的钢琴家。)

2. Subordinate connectives:

- Although it is cold outside, I still want to go for a walk. (虽然外面很冷,仍然想出去散步。)

- Because she was tired, she decided to take a nap. (因为她很累,所以决定小睡一会儿。)

3. Connectives with comparisons:

- My sister is taller than me. (我姐姐比我高。)

- This restaurant is more expensive than the one we went to last night. (这家餐厅比我们昨晚去的那家更贵。)


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