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bunting是什么意思 bunting的读音、翻译、用法

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2023-12-21 01:03:41
  • 164

bunting是什么意思 bunting的读音、翻译、用法

1. 定义:Bunting可能指在不同场合下的不同物品,比如在运动场上指挥队员动作的彩带;在装饰领域中指挂在墙上的小旗帜;文学领域则指短小的诗歌。

2. 用途:Bunting可作为装饰用品,用于庆祝特定的节日、活动或场合;在体育比赛中,可以用来传递信号或引导运动员动作。

3. 英语表达:Bunting可以作为动词或名词使用,例如:bunting up decorations(挂饰品);a row of bunting(一排小旗)。

4. 相关词组:Bunting ball(婴儿床上的挂饰球);Bunting banner(装饰用的横幅);Bunting flag(彩旗);Bunting template(制作装饰用品的模板)。


1. The bunting in the room made it feel festive for the party.(房间里的挂饰让派对气氛更加热闹。)

2. The coach used bunting to signal the players to run to the next base.(教练用彩带来指挥球员走向下一个垒。)

3. The baby loved staring at the colorful bunting ball above her crib.(宝宝喜欢盯着婴儿床上五颜六色的挂饰球看。)

4. The parade was lined with bunting flags representing different cities and countries.(阅兵式上挂满了代表不同城市和国家的彩旗。)

5. She wrote a bunting poem that captured the essence of summer in just a few lines.(她写了一首短小的诗歌,以几行诗句捕捉了夏日的本质。)


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