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touch my heart是什么意思 touch my heart的读音、翻译、用法

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2023-07-12 07:42:15
  • 47

touch my heart是什么意思 touch my heart的读音、翻译、用法

1. 词性:动词短语/情感表达

2. 意义:表示某件事情或者某个人的行为让人感到非常深刻,在内心深处产生共鸣,打动了心灵。

3. 用法:常用于描述文学作品、音乐、电影等感人的情节或者动人的表演场面,也可以用于形容亲密的关系,比如“touch my heart with your love”。

4. 同义词:move me, touch my soul, stir my emotions

5. 反义词:leave me cold, fail to impress, miss the mark


1. The song "Someone Like You" by Adele always touches my heart and makes me cry.

2. The story of the little match girl touched my heart deeply, and I still remember it to this day.

3. When my grandmother gave me her old watch, it really touched my heart and made me feel special.

4. The speech by the Nobel Peace Prize winner touched the hearts of millions of people around the world.

5. The way he proposed to his girlfriend was so romantic and touching, it really touched my heart.

1. The documentary film about the plight of refugees in Syria touched my heart.

2. Her kind words and compassion during a difficult time really touched my heart.

3. The love story in "The Notebook" always touches my heart and makes me cry.

4. The way he sang the song so soulfully really touched my heart.

5. The way he played the piano was so beautiful and touching, it brought tears to my eyes.


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