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abondon是什么意思 abondon的读音、翻译、用法

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2023-05-14 11:08:30
  • 127

abondon是什么意思 abondon的读音、翻译、用法

1. 词性和词义


2. 派生词和常用搭配

Abandon这个单词有一些常见的派生词和搭配,比如abandoned(被遗弃的)、abandonment(遗弃、放弃)和abandon oneself to(沉溺于)。

3. 用法和注意事项


- 该词通常用于表示不好的情况,因此要注意其负面含义。

- 它可以用来描述某种行为或状态的无法控制或放纵,因此要注意上下文。

- 在某些情况下,abandon可以与其反义词rescue搭配使用,表示“解救”或“营救”。


1. She abandoned her plans to move to New York after she lost her job.(她失业后放弃了移居纽约的计划。)

2. The young boy was abandoned by his parents when he was just a baby.(这个小男孩在婴儿时期就被他的父母抛弃了。)

3. The actor's career seemed to have been abandoned for years before he made a comeback.(这位演员的职业似乎已经被放弃了多年,然后他又东山再起了。)

4. She abandoned herself to the pleasures of the moment and forgot all about her worries.(她陶醉于当下的快乐中,忘记了所有的烦恼。)

5. The abandoned building was eventually demolished after years of neglect.(这座被遗弃的建筑终于在被忽视多年后被拆除了。)


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