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nauseeux是什么意思 nauseeux的读音、翻译、用法

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2024-02-25 09:07:00
  • 728

nauseeux是什么意思 nauseeux的读音、翻译、用法

1. 词性和定义:'nauseeux'是一个形容词,表示恶心的、令人作呕的。

2. 词源和发音:'nauseeux'源于法语,发音为 [noh-zee-uh].

3. 用法和搭配:'nauseeux'常用于描述某种食物或气味,也可以形容某种情境或体验。常与诸如'odor','vomit','disgusting'等词搭配。

4. 同义词和反义词:'nauseeux'的同义词包括'nauséabond'和'dégoûtant',反义词可以是'agréable'和'délicieux'。

5. 难点和注意事项:'nauseeux'的拼写和发音较为复杂,需要注意语境和搭配。


1. The smell in the room was absolutely nauseating, it made me feel nauseous. (这个房间里的气味令人作呕,让我感到恶心。)

2. I couldn't eat fish for a week after that nauseating meal at the seafood restaurant. (在那家海鲜餐厅吃了那顿令人作呕的饭后,我一个星期都无法吃鱼。)

3. The movie's gore and violence left me feeling nauseous and sick to my stomach. (电影中的血腥和暴力让我感到恶心和反胃。)

4. The smell from the sewer was nauseating, I had to hold my breath while walking past it. (下水道里的气味很难闻,我走过去时不得不屏住呼吸。)

5. The idea of eating bugs for dinner is nauseating to me, I could never bring myself to try it. (吃昆虫这个想法让我感到作呕,我从未尝试过。)


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