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bellflower是什么意思 bellflower的读音、翻译、用法

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2023-04-29 06:35:36
  • 73

bellflower是什么意思 bellflower的读音、翻译、用法

1. 定义和词性:bellflower是一个单词,名词,指的是一种蓝色和紫色的花朵,属于杜鹃花科植物。Bellflower也可以是缩写词,指的是贝尔花市场(Bellflower Market)或者贝尔花城(City of Bellflower)。


- The field was dotted with patches of bright blue bellflowers.


- Bellflowers are often used in floral arrangements because of their delicate beauty.


- Bellflower Market is a popular shopping destination for locals and tourists alike.


- The City of Bellflower is located in Los Angeles County, California.


- I need to buy some bellflowers for the wedding decorations.


2. 词源和相关词汇:Bellflower来自于古英语的'belle',意思是'钟形'。相关词汇包括belladonna(颠茄),bellboy(旅馆和酒店的服务员),bellwether(领袖或者预示变化的人或事物)。


- Belladonna is a poisonous plant that can be used for medicinal purposes in small doses.


- The bellboy helped us with our luggage and showed us to our room.


- The latest trends in fashion often serve as a bellwether for the direction of the industry.


3. 文化和象征:Bellflower在不同文化中有不同的象征意义。在韩国,Bellflower被认为是女性之花,象征着善良和纯洁。在欧洲传统中,Bellflower被赋予了浪漫和诗意的形象。


- The bride wore a wreath of bellflowers in her hair to symbolize her innocence and purity.


- The poet used the image of the bellflower to evoke a sense of romanticism and beauty.


- Bellflower is a popular motif in Korean art and design, representing kindness and femininity.



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