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griffon是什么意思 griffon的读音、翻译、用法

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2024-04-13 07:59:36
  • 396

griffon是什么意思 griffon的读音、翻译、用法

1. 词源和拼写:



- The griffon is a legendary creature from Greek mythology.

- The logo for the university sports teams features a griffin.

- The spelling of "griffon" can be confusing because of the two f's.

2. 品种和生态:

Griffon也可以指一种狮鹫犬(griffon dog),是一种来自比利时和法国的小型猎犬,通常有卷曲的毛发和独特的面部特征。这种犬种通常用于猎捕小型动物,例如鸟类和野兔。


- The griffon dog is known for its curly fur and unique facial features.

- The griffon is a popular breed among hunters due to its ability to catch small animals.

- I'm considering adopting a griffon puppy as a pet.

3. 航空技术:

Griffon也可以指一种飞机或直升机,例如Westland Griffon或Avro Canada CF-100 Canuck。这些飞机通常用于军事或商业用途。


- The Westland Griffon was a British military helicopter.

- The Avro Canada CF-100 Canuck was a fighter jet equipped with Griffon engines.

- The Griffon-powered aircraft provided increased speed and power compared to previous models.

4. 游戏角色:

Griffon也是一些电子游戏中的角色,例如暗黑神(Diablo)系列和怪物猎人(Monster Hunter)系列,其中通常被描绘成一种类似怪兽的生物。


- The griffon is a difficult boss fight in the Diablo III expansion.

- In Monster Hunter World, players can hunt down a griffon for rare loot.

- The griffon is a memorable enemy in many fantasy RPGs.

5. 缩写词和术语:


- GRIFFON: Generic Integrated Forensic Footwear and Tire Examination System,指一种用于破案的科技系统。

- GRIFFON: Groupe de Recherche et d'Intervention Contre les Fraudes,指法国的打击欺诈研究小组。

- GRIFFON: Groupe de Réflexion et d'Information sur les Fermentations et les Obturations Neurogastro-Intestinales(Neurogastrointestinal and Motility Disorders),指一种消化系统疾病。


- The Griffon system can match tire tracks and s prints to suspects.

- The Griffon task force in France has successfully prosecuted numerous fraud cases.

- The Griffon disorder affects the movement and function of the digestive system.


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