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quotes是什么意思 quotes的读音、翻译、用法

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2023-05-19 08:08:08
  • 161

quotes是什么意思 quotes的读音、翻译、用法

1. 含义:Quotes指的是“引言”、“引用”、“报价”、“报价单”等概念。在英语中,这个词可以用作名词、动词和缩写词。


- She began her speech with a quote from Gandhi.

- The article quotes statistics from the latest survey.

- I requested a quote from the construction company for the renovation.

2. 缩写词:Quotes也可以作为缩写词使用,代表的是“quotation marks”(引号)的意思。在英语中,引号通常用于表示直接引用他人的话或指示某个术语或短语。


- Use quotes when you write a direct speech.

- The term “fake news” has become ubiquitous in recent years.

- The author used scare quotes to indicate her skepticism about the concept.

3. 短语:Quotes还可以作为一些习惯用语的一部分,如“inspirational quotes”(励志名言)或“famous quotes”(名言警句)。这些短语通常用于引用名人或智者的话,以帮助人们获得启发或灵感。


- He started every day by reading inspirational quotes to boost his motivation.

- The speech was peppered with famous quotes from Shakespeare and other writers.

- She posted a series of her favorite quotes on social media to inspire her followers.


1. She collects quotes from famous people and writes them in a notebook.(她收集名人的名言警句,写在笔记本上。)

2. “What we think, we become.” This quote from Buddha has always guided me in life.(“我们的想法,决定了我们成为什么样的人。”佛陀的这句话一直指引着我走过人生。)

3. Can you give me a quote for the car repair?(你能给我一个汽车维修的报价吗?)

4. The newspaper article quoted the CEO as saying that they were confident about the company's future.(报纸引用了CEO的话,称他们对公司的未来充满信心。)

5. She covered the quote with her hand to keep it secret from the other players.(她用手遮住那张牌上的数字,不让其他选手看到。)


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