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zealot是什么意思 zealot的读音、翻译、用法

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2023-11-23 10:15:03
  • 859

zealot是什么意思 zealot的读音、翻译、用法

1. 词性:zealot是一个名词,指的是一个狂热的信徒或者支持者。

2. 含义:zealot这个单词通常用来描述那些极为狂热的人,他们对于自己信仰、观点或者某种事情有着无尽的热情和专注。

3. 正面意义:在一些情况下,zealot这个单词会被用来形容那些极其忠诚、坚定,以及不肯妥协的人,这种态度可以被视为一种积极的品质。

4. 负面意义:不幸的是,zealot这个单词通常也含有贬义,因为一些人的狂热行为可能会导致一些不必要的问题或者冲突。

5. 例句:

- Although I don't agree with all of her views, I admire the way she advocates for them with zealotry.

- The protesters outside the courthouse were shouting and chanting like a group of zealots.

- He was a zealot when it came to his physical fitness, running for miles every day and obsessing over his diet.

- The religious zealots refused to compromise with the government, even when it meant putting their own lives in danger.

- The CEO's zealotry for achieving profits at any cost led to a number of unethical decisions that harmed the company's reputation.

1. 缩写词:ZLT是一个缩写词,它通常用于表示时区,即“Zulu Time”。

2. 含义:ZLT是世界标准时间(Universal Time Coordinated)的一种表达方式,它通常用于军事、航空、天文和其他需要跨越多个时区的场合。

3. 用法:ZLT通常与其他缩写词一起使用,比如“UTC”(Coordinated Universal Time)和“T”(Greenwich Mean Time)。

4. 注意事项:尽管ZLT是一种用的时间标准,但由于每个国家的地理位置和夏令时政策的不同,实际的时间可能会有所偏差。

5. 例句:

- The flight from New York to London departs at 23:00 ZLT.

- The observatory uses ZLT to coordinate its observations with other telescopes around the world.

- Military personnel are trained to use ZLT to ensure that they can communicate effectively across different time zones.

- The conference call is scheduled for 15:00 ZLT, which is 10:00 AM Eastern Standard Time.

- The time difference between Beijing and Los Angeles is 16 hours, so when it's 6:00 PM in Beijing, it's 2:00 AM ZLT.


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