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tears of joy是什么意思 tears of joy的读音、翻译、用法

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2024-04-27 15:15:43
  • 817

tears of joy是什么意思 tears of joy的读音、翻译、用法


1. 词释:tears of joy是指因为喜悦而流下的眼泪。

2. 含义表达:tears of joy通常用于描述人们在经历一些激动人心或高兴的事情时会流下的眼泪,表示人们的情感非常激动。

3. 表达方式:可以用于口语和书面语,常出现于日常交流和文学作品中。

4. 使用场景:tears of joy常常用于表达在一些特殊但高兴的情况下,人们的情感非常强烈,包括结婚、生孩子、毕业典礼或得到了某个重要奖项等。

5. 体现情感:tears of joy是一种非常感性的情感表达,体现了人们内心的情感和情感的共鸣。


1. When my sister gave me the news, I couldn't help but shed tears of joy. (当我妹妹告诉我这个好消息时,我忍不住流下了喜泪。)

2. At the graduation ceremony, many students were moved to tears of joy. (在毕业典礼上,许多学生都感动到流泪。)

3. When he won the Olympic gold medal, he had tears of joy streaming down his face. (当他赢得奥运会金牌时,他的脸上流下了喜泪。)

4. The bride's father was overcome with emotion and had tears of joy in his eyes throughout the wedding ceremony. (新父亲被情感淹没了,婚礼仪式上一直眼含喜泪。)

5. After waiting for years, he received a letter from his son, and tears of joy welled up in his eyes. (多年等待之后,他收到了儿子的来信,眼泪在他的眼中汇聚成喜泪。)


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