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timely是什么意思 timely的读音、翻译、用法

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2023-05-20 11:29:25
  • 117

timely是什么意思 timely的读音、翻译、用法

1. 含义和词性


2. 词源和拼写


3. 用法


4. 同义词和反义词

同义词:prompt, on time, timely, timely manner,等等。

反义词:untimely, late, overdue, belated。

5. 应用场景和示例

- The arrival of the ambulance was timely since the patient's condition was critical. (救护车的到来非常及时,因为患者情况十分危急。)

- We need to provide timely feedback to our employees in order to keep them engaged and motivated. (我们需要及时给我们的员工提供反馈,以保持他们的积极性和动力。)

- She always pays her bills on time, which is a sign of a responsible person. (她总是按时支付账单,这是一个负责任的人的标志。)

- The timely intervention of the security guard prevented a robbery. (保安及时干预,防止了一起事件。)

- The company's timely response to the customer's complaint earned them a good reputation. (公司对客户投诉的及时回应赢得了良好的声誉。)


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