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rafflesia是什么意思 rafflesia的读音、翻译、用法

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2023-06-06 01:39:39
  • 94

rafflesia是什么意思 rafflesia的读音、翻译、用法

1. 词源起源: 'rafflesia' 是来自拉菲西亚植物属的一个名字,拉菲西亚植物属最大的特点是它们的花朵巨大而且散发出恶臭。


- The rafflesia is a parasitic plant that grows in the rainforest.

- The rafflesia flower is one of the largest flowers in the world.

- The rafflesia has a foul smell to attract flies for pollination.

- Rafflesia arnoldii is an endangered species found only in Southeast Asia.

- The rafflesia is known as the "corpse flower" because of its pungent smell.

2. 植物解剖学: 学生可以学习 'rafflesia' 这个单词而了解植物生长过程和解剖学结构。


- The rafflesia is a root parasite that feeds on the host plant nutrients.

- The rafflesia has no stems, leaves, or roots of its own.

- The rafflesia flower is a modified petal that is red-brown in color.

- The rafflesia has a large cup-like structure that catches insects for pollination.

- The rafflesia relies on flies and beetles for its pollination.

3. 生物多样性: 学生可以通过学习 'rafflesia' 这个单词来了解珍稀植物和濒危物种。


- The rafflesia is a rare and endangered plant found only in the rainforests of Southeast Asia.

- The rafflesia is protected under national and international laws due to its threatened status.

- Habitat destruction and illegal trade are major threats to the survival of the rafflesia.

- Conservation efforts are underway to protect the remaining rafflesia populations.

- Visitors to the rainforest are urged to be respectful of rafflesia habitats and not disturb the plants.

4. 旅游景点: 学生可以学习 'rafflesia' 这个单词以了解世界上的自然和文化景点,因为许多旅游公司会安排参观拉菲西亚植物的活动。


- Tourists can take a guided hike through the rainforest to see the elusive rafflesia plant.

- The rafflesia is a popular attraction for visitors to Southeast Asia.

- Local communities have developed ecotourism programs that showcase the rafflesia and promote conservation.

- Photographers flock to the rainforest to capture images of the beautiful and grotesque rafflesia flower.

- The rafflesia is an integral part of the cultural and natural heritage of Southeast Asia.


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