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grail是什么意思 grail的读音、翻译、用法

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2023-06-06 12:41:59
  • 127

grail是什么意思 grail的读音、翻译、用法

1. 词汇: 'grail' 在英语中一般指圣杯,作为名词使用,也可以作为形容词描述一些特别神圣、珍贵的物品。

- The Holy Grail is a legendary cup or chalice that was said to be used by Jesus at the Last Supper.

- The grail of science is a cure for cancer.

- The company is searching for the grail of customer loyalty.

2. 文化历史: 'grail' 这个词源于英国亚瑟王传说,圣杯被描述成一种神秘力量的源泉,很多文化都以此为背景创作各种作品。

- The story of the Holy Grail is a central theme in Arthurian legend, with knights setting out on quests to find it.

- In the famous novel 'The Da Vinci Code', the Holy Grail is a symbol of a deep secret and a search for truth.

- Many artworks, such as paintings and sculptures, have depicted the Holy Grail, which has become a symbol of the divine and the mysterious.

3. 文学艺术: 'grail' 作为主题和象征,在文学和艺术中有着广泛的运用,被用来探究人类的信仰、理想、追求等。

- T.S. Eliot's poem 'The Waste Land' uses the Holy Grail as a symbol of redemption and hope in a world that is broken and fragmented.

- The novel 'The Once and Future King' by T.H. White retells the story of King Arthur and the Knights of the Round Table, with a focus on the quest for the Holy Grail.

- Many movies, such as 'Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade', 'Monty Python and the Holy Grail', and 'Excalibur', have used the Holy Grail as a plot device or a symbol of power.

4. 神秘学: 'grail' 作为神秘学的一个概念,也引起了一些人的探究和兴趣,有人认为圣杯有着特殊的能量和意义。

- Some people believe that the Holy Grail has the power to heal and bring spiritual enlightenment.

- In esoteric traditions, the Holy Grail is seen as a symbol of the feminine, representing the power of creativity and intuition.

- Some groups, such as the Order of the Holy Grail, claim to be keepers of the secret knowledge and wisdom associated with the Grail.

5. 当代使用: 'grail' 这个词在当代也有一些使用情况,常被用来形容某些人、事、物的特别重要、追求的目标等。

- For many gamers, the Holy Grail is finding the perfect game that they can play for hours on end.

- To some runners, completing a marathon is the Holy Grail of their athletic career.

- For entrepreneurs, creating a successful business that changes the world is the Holy Grail of their professional lives.


- The archaeologists found what they believe to be the Holy Grail in the ruins of an ancient temple.

- He spent his whole life searching for the Holy Grail of happiness, but never found it.

- The company's grail is to create a product that will revolutionize the industry and change people's lives.

- She considers winning an Olympic medal to be the grail of her athletic career.

- The scientist's research has been focused on discovering the grail of clean energy.


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